PCS Orders Read Fort Belvoir or Washington D.C?
By Patty Blackwelder, Top Producing Realtor-New Home Buyer Specialist
( Twins Selling Real Estate)
Are you Relocating to Fort Belvoir or maybe you already working there and would like to cut your commute?Fort Belvoir is now the largest employer in Northern Virginia it exceeds the Pentagon in the amount of people who work there. The area in and around Fort Belvoir and Mount Vernon have seen growing pains in recent year with the roads leading to the base under construction. It's not as bad as it sounds the worked have demolished a bridge and taken down buildings along Rt 1 in an effort to widen the roads all while keeping the traffic moving. The construction company has done a masterful job and seem to be ahead of schedule.I live in Mount Vernon, Virgina just north east of the base and have found getting around even with the construction fairly easy. Now if you are coming from The Sout...