Disposing of the Turkey Leftovers. Take Care of Your Septic System.
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley, Homefinders.com, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!! Lots of talk on ActiveRain today about Thanksgiving Day food and cooking wastes. The cooking, the eating and finally, disposing of the waste requires a bit of thought. Andre Bareth gives some good advice about garbage disposers. Yes, some of it is just common sense, but for those of us who live with "on-site waste disposal systems", otherwise known as septic systems, it gets a tad more complicated. SEE: Thanksgiving is almost here:Tips to avoid Garbage Disposal backups! Sure, that septic system will take a good deal of waste material, but if home owners permit solid, even ground solids, to go down the drain, pumping that septic system on a regular basis is critical. If you have a home with a septic system, you DO NOT want to dispose of garbage through the di...