Grenata (Leesburg, VA)
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
LOUDOUN COUNTY VIRGINIA - SOLD PRICES UP - SALES VOLUME DOWN - 2008-2010 - The trends. We see so many market reports about prices, prices, prices.  WHAT ABOUT SALES VOLUME?? A good example of market trends for the past 3 years is Loudoun County, Virginia: 2008 SOLD - 300 properties SOLD Low price - $93,900 High price - $1,595,000 Average price - $489,907 2009 SOLD - 257 properties SOLD Low price - $125,000 High price - $1,495,000 Average price - $512,772                                                                       2010 SOLD - 227 properties SOLD Low price - $175,000 High Price - $1,500,000 Average price - $543,512 PRICES UP - VOLUME DOWN Loudoun County is home to a vibrant real estate market in Northern Virginia.  However, even Loudoun County is several markets.  The urban area...
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Leesburg, VA Real Estate Professionals