Amazon Coming To Northern Virginia – What Does It Mean For Real Estate?
By Amanda S. Davidson, Alexandria Virginia Homes For Sale
(Amanda Davidson Real Estate Group Brokered By Real)
Amazon Coming To Northern Virginia – What Does It Mean For Real Estate?Amazon, Amazon, Amazon, they’ve been the buzz word in Northern Virginia since they announced in November they’d be moving half of their 2nd headquarters to Crystal City which is now known as National Landing. National Landing consists of Crystal City, the eastern part of Pentagon City, and the northern part of Potomac Yard. Prior to the announcement if you drove through Crystal City you’d see a lot of office buildings that were barely populated and it’s been that way since 2005. They were once bustling and full but, employees were lost to the Depart of Defense’s Base Realignment and Closure project, better known as BRAC. It didn’t take more than a day for calls to start to roll in after Amazon made the announcement...