By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Evergreen Village | Ashburn, VA - January 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Evergreen Village neighborhood of Ashburn, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the January 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Evergreen Village, Ashburn VA.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Evergreen VillageIn the past 6 months, 5 properties have sold in Evergreen Village ranging from a 4-bed, 4.5-bath Detached for $650,000 to a 5-bed, 4.5-bath Detached for $840,000.Evergreen Village Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (November) as compared to the 5-year December average. The market supply is 0 months, which indicates there a...
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
Luxury Homes in Ashburn, Wonderful Builder and Beautiful Homes. Homes for Sale in Ashburn, Brambleton Community, Luxury Models. The home below is one of the models available in Evergreen Reserve, a luxury community in the Brambleton area of Ashburn. The builder is K.Hovanian. I've sold many homes constructed by this builder and they do not disappoint. Base prices are from $1,130,000 to $2,099,000. Lot sizes are from .59 acres to 2.666 acres. The community is constructed on beautiful level lots, many wooded. The models in this Ashburn Community all have 3 car side load garages standard. More information about these spectacular new luxury homes in Loudoun County, CLICK here. To tour the beautiful model home, just call L...
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
Luxury Homes for sale Ashburn VA, Ashburn Virginia is popular with home buyers seeking easy access to the Washington Beltway, McLean, Vienna and D.C., the High Tech area of Ashburn and the Dulles International Airport. Luxury homes in Ashburn are in communities that also offer acreage, wooded lots and privacy. Communities in Ashburn offering Single Family homes for sale in the $1,000,000 and above price range include: Belmont Country Club ** Brambleton ** Chase at Balmont Evergreen Reserve ** Stone Gate ** Village of Waxpool Never A Realtor Fee To Homebuyers when you work with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To see more detailed information, just click on the photos below. $2,099,990 4 Bedrooms 3 full 2 half Baths MLS# LO8071922 ASHBURN...
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
New Homes for Sale in Ashburn VA, $1,299,000 - $1,500,000, REBATE 1% To Home Buyers. By Lenn Harley K.Hovanian offers luxury homes to be built in Ashburn Virginia. MLS #: LO8071849 Price: $1,399,990 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 full 2 half City: ASHBURNListing Office: RE/MAX Gateway Call Lenn for a brochureLenn Harley, Broker, Homefinders.com800-711-7988 Lenn Harley, Broker, Specializing in New Home Sales. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHEN EXPERIENCE COUNTS, home buyers will enjoy our many years of serving home buyers in Northern Virginia.For over 25 years, we've provided home buyers in Loudoun County with . . . * Comprehensive home searches, * Personal tours of homes for sale, * Competitive Market Analysis ...
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
The home shown below is a model that we sold in Round Hill. This home is available in Ashburn. Priced in the $700,000 - $900,000 range, this homes offers a well planned floor plan. To tour new homes in Ashburn, contact: Lenn Harley, Broker,, 540-822-9907 and you'll receive a 1% REBATE from Breakfast, Sun Room Dining Room Dining Room Family Room Foyer Foyer Foyer Overlook His Hers Sink Kitchen. Living Room Owners Garden bath Owners Suite Owners Suite 2 Owners Suite 3 Sun Room Floor Plan Main Level Floor Plan Upper
By Lisa Moroniak, SFR - Short Sale & Foreclosure Certified
(Keller Williams Realty | Northern Virginia | 703.635.0388)
EVERGREEN RESERVE by K Hovanian in Ashburn is a private community tucked away among 400 acres of mature trees, meadows and streams - offering one acre homesites - and only one lot remaining in Phase II! EVERGREEN RESERVE provides FOUR plan options to plant on the last remaining lot: WISCONSIN - starting at $734,990: Beds: 4Baths: 3.5 Stories: 2Garages: 2 Home Style: Single FamilyApprox. Sq. Ft.: 3,570 RHODE ISLAND - starting at $759,990: Beds: 4Baths: 4.5 Stories: 2Garages: 2 Home Style: Single FamilyApprox. Sq. Ft.: 4,086 KENTUCKY - starting at $774,990: Beds: 4Baths: 3.5 Stories: 2Garages: 2 Home Style: Single FamilyApprox. Sq. Ft.: 4,203 TARA - starting at $949,990: Beds: 4Baths: 4.5 Stories: 2Garages: 3 Home Style: Single FamilyApprox. Sq. Ft.: 5,324 Take a tour with me of their...