Homes for Sale in Spring Garden Subdivision Weatherford TX
By Tommy Miles, Builder/Realtor®
(Miles Realty Group)
Homes for Sale in Spring Garden Subdivision Weatherford TX Weatherford is a city in Parker County located 25 miles (40 km) west of Fort Worth on Interstate20.The population was 25,250 at the 2010 census, with Homes for Sale in Spring Garden Subdivision Weatherford TX. Weatherford is known for its community and family oriented way of life, enjoy their many treasures including a historic shopping district full of antique, boutique and specialty stores as well as restaurants The old-time Farmer's Market, First Monday Trades Days, and a bounty of Victorian-era homes bring visitors to our city. They pride themselves in their tradition and history. Enjoying living in this wonderful town with Homes for Sale in Spring Garden Subdivision Weatherford TX. For those interested in moving here, one ...