By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
Today's world of real estate is to say the least, interesting. Sellers have to compete with short sales, foreclosures and a host of other problems plaguing the market. Is there hope? Yes, of course, but first we must realize that as real estate professionals, we need to be extremely knowledgeable and patient. No longer is it good enough to just show homes and write a contract and go to a closing. We must be the calming voice of reason in a storm of ever changing rules and regulations. More and more, the real estate agent is the one that holds the deal together all the way thru the process. We must never assume that everyone is on the same page in today's world of real estate transactions. The front man for the lender claims to want to get the deal done when in reality he has no control ...
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
Nice warm day in Tyler Texas. Record snow fall and fun to be had by all. We all came in and to our joy the phone is ringing. I hope everyone stays safe and enjoys the show mother nature has to offer. Have a great snow day with the kids today.
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
My America:· Is chasing fireflies on a summer night.· Sleeping with the windows open.· Driving with the top down.· Shelling black eyed peas on the porch with grandpa.· Walking barefoot thru a fresh plowed field.· Singing in church.· Singing in the shower.· Just Singing.· That first kiss.· Watching high school football.· Watching little league baseball· Street dances in little country towns.· State fairs.· Not letting the flag touch the ground.· Neighborhood cookouts.· Mama's banana pudding.· Learning to drive on a country dirt road.· The smell of fresh cut grass.· Ice cold soda on a hot August day.· Skipping rocks.· Pitching washers.· Swimming in a lake.· That first beer.· Long winding country roads with no hurry to be anywhere.· Christmas at grandma's.· Trick or Treating.· New itchy ...
By Barbara Dougher, Realtor - 2008 Rookie of the Year
(Coldwell Banker United East Texas Division)
After moving from the north Dallas area over two years ago, we greatly missed the restaurants that we were used to in that area. Don't get me wrong there are some great places to eat in the Tyler, NE Texas area but most are large chains and aren't very unique. We have discovered a wonderful Italian Bistro that reminds us so much of our roots! From the moment you walk into Oliveto Italian Bistro you feel you have entered a whole different world. The style of the building is very upscale and classy! The staff is welcoming and very friendly! The interior of the restaurant reminded me of the Cheesecake Factory. The menu is varied and has a lot to offer. We tried four different dishes and we all sampled each others. I opted for the Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and it did not disapp...
2009 Champion CH321, The Suite Retreat master Bathroom, Upgraded Kitchen, Hardi Lap Siding, Deluxe Package II, Tape and Texture, Overhead Vents, Built in desk for kids or computers (lots of cabinets). To directly access this property, use this shortcut:
Maverick Homes Tyler, Waco, Athens Texas, Hud Code Legacy 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Mobile Home with Comp roof and Vinyl siding. This 2010 home also comes with a new heat pump and washer and dryer. This is a very nice new Hud Code mobile home. Its perfect for a couple or your mother in law. It can be equipped with Hardi Lap siding or metal. Call Roy Barnes all all info on this and all the other mobile homes we have on our lot. To directly access this property, use this shortcut:
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
The new office is coming along very nicely. We will be moved in by December 31st, what a great feeling it is to grow for the community. State of the art and full of Real Estate pros, what a way to help Tyler and all of East Texas. Progress happens when you plan and then execute the plan. I love it.
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
The new KW Tyler Building. We are investing in our community in a big way and are looking forward to the move in late December. The agents have really stepped it up and are selling and listing at a record pace. The new year will bring growth and prosperity to East Texas and we will be leading the way. We are growing while others are pulling back.
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
The wife and I played golf yesterday again. I don't know if there is a better time to play than in the fall. The colors and the temperature make it all just perfect. I tried out a new putter and it worked great. Shot 76 in spite of the fact I felt unsettled over the ball all day. But what the heck, it was a blast. I hope everyone gets out and enjoys this time of year. Anything outdoors right now seems gret and rewarding. Just walking the dogs is fun. Headed for Barton Creek on Monday in Austin, I can hardly wait. The camera went in the car with the clubs. Wish me luck. :)
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
When it starts cooling off, I crave the snow. I hope you guys are ready for some good skiing this year. It looks as if the ski season should be one of the best in years. It also looks like it is starting early. I am glad I don't work in the stuff, but I love to play in it. I hope everyone has a great winter and enjoys playing in the snow.
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
"It's always darkest right before it goes completely black." ~Terry Miller Have you ever wondered how some people even survive with the attitude they poses? You know the type. They're the one that if they won the lottery, they would complain about the taxes. I will give you some advice about people like that. Run, I mean run away from them as fast and as far as you can. Negative people thrive on the destruction of other people. Your business life depends on you being ready and positive at all times not down and depressed. Never wish anyone ill will when it comes to life or business. It is simply a waste of your time and energy and no one is worth that amount of attention from you. I have found in life and b...
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
I believe that an uninspired mind is a wasted mind. I also believe that the more you use your mind at any age, the sharper it will be. With Alzheimer's and other diseases that affect mental function at all time high, I believe it is more important than ever to give our mind a workout every day. Not doing so, encourages diseases to take over our minds. It is also my belief that you must be active physically. You may be over weight as I am, but you can still have an active life style. I love to play Golf and walk with my wife and our two beagles. Find something that you can do to stay active physically. It is a must do for a long life. Eat good healthy foods and limit your bad foods to very small portions, if you must have them. When it comes to business, you must be the very best at your...
GET PRE-APPROVED I'm Terry Whiteley a Coldwell Banker United Realtor in Tyler Texas. I want to talk to the HOME BUYERS out there. Initially,during the HOME BUYING PROCESS we sit down in a relaxed friendly supportive environment. That's because I am not selling anything. My mission or goal is build rapport with you so I can determine interest and needs. Plus I want to determine if you are motivated or just looking. Because you have choices it's important for you to know that sometimes we represent sellers and sometimes we represent BUYERS. Therefore, I will take the time to explain information about brokerage services. As the BUYER my very next question will be "... do you know how much ($$$) you are PRE-APPROVED for? Or said differently do you have a PRE-APPROVAL letter from your bank?...
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
We have 81 agents and tonight we had a little get together to celebrate the slab being poured on a brand new location. We are investing in our community and it feels great. We had Boren Scott Title from Tyler and the Mansions at the Cascades on hand and a good time was had by all. I really wonder why an agent would be with a broker that doesn't have fun. If you are not having fun in your life, why not? I am having the time of my life.
Recently I chatted with a client (seller) about the importance buyers place on the appearance of a home. Buyers make very quick value judgments about the asking price a seller is seeking based on a set of "appearance cues" they see during the walk through. For example...have the carpets been vacuumed, are the windows clean or has the yard been reasonably cleaned up. Think about this. When your flying and after pulling down the seat back tray in front of you and you see coffee stains, don't we as airline passengers begin to wonder about routine maintenance on components we can't see? It's those same "appearance cues" that buyers get when they walk through your seller's home. Buyers say to themselves if the carpets aren't clean I wonder what else they have ignored that I can't see. Grant...
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
As they search for ways to boost federal revenues, Congressional number-crunchers are encouraging lawmakers to consider drastic changes to the tax benefits homeowners get from their mortgage interest payments. Yes you heard me right, now they are coming after the home owner's interest deduction. They complained that the "tax code treats investments in owner occupied housing more favorably than other investments." The Congressional Budget Office actually recommended changing the deduction to a flat 15% tax credit on the annual interest paid. Their second proposal puts a ceiling of $500,000 as the limit you can claim a deduction against. Their justification is, that only 54% of homeowners actually get a deduction anyway. This administration is spending money at a pace never before...
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
Some companies are cutting back, but not Keller Williams in Tyler, Texas. We are growing for Tyler and all of east Texas. The slab on our new Building is poured and we are ready to go. KW Tyler is investing in Tyler and growing to serve everyone better. Thanks to all the Super Star agents in the Keller Williams Tyler, Market Center.
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
The local NBC affiliate came out and Interviewed me and went on a showing with our top agent Kyle Smith. They are talking about existing family homes and airing different parts on the local news. I am glad to be apart of it. All of the segments are pretty good. Thanks KETK for coming by. Take a look at: We are growing in Tyler and having a blast in the process.
By Terry Miller, Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator
(Miller Homes Group)
Well, I have the Golf bug again. I went out yesterday with my lovely wife Denise and played the Cascades which is the course we live on here in Tyler, Texas. To say I had fun, would be an understatement. I am not playing particularly well, but the fun is there and that is what matters. Since taking the Team Leader position at Keller Williams Tyler, Texas, I have begun to relax and enjoy the game I loved for years while my children were growing up. I have also found that golf is a great tool for recruiting for the Market Center. The day was warm, but a bit breezy and I shot a 75. Not great by my standards, but a great day of fun just the same. Now I will have too hit balls next week and do better. But for me now, it truly is about the fun.