
Corpus Christi, TX Real Estate News

By Chul KIM McGuire
‡Achew! Achew! Achew!So, What's in YOUR Med Cabinet?By now, hopefully many people have heard of "Airborne" effervescent tablets to help fight off colds, flu's, and nearly any other early signs of something like a flu.So, what's in my kitchen cabinet near the vitamins?Airborne of course! The stuff really WORKS! Even after getting a cold/flu, Airborne taken in sufficient quantity and frequency helps shorten the affects of the flu! Also, plenty of liquids, vitamin C, and rest is required for a speedy recovery.There's also something called "Yin Chiao." I don't have any "data" on the effectiveness of that. Perhaps we can get Blog audience to weigh in on yin chiao.Let's STOP the Flu! Wash hands FREQUENTLY! Better yet, use Hand Sanitizers like "germ-X."Every day we are touching other people's ...
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‡Who Are YOU?Are You A Home Seller?Are You A Home Buyer?Are You A Renter?Are You A Fence Sitter?I really want to know, Who Are YOU?The Real Estate market needs you as always. So, who are you? I know one thing, EVERYONE needs a home of their own that they can call themselves "I am the King/Queen of my own castle! No one can tell me what I can do or can't do in my own house!KIM McGuire and RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas is helping bring together Buyers, Sellers, Renters, and Landlords everyday because he's one of the hardest working REALTORS around today! (Note: Excuse WHO's use of one word.)Optimism is in my blood! I have Attitude of Gratitude and that's what I teach my Twins. www.Corpus-WOW.comOPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the ...
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Homes Sellers and Buyers Come Together For Home Sweet Homes!KIM McGuire and RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas are bringing home sellers and buyers together even during toughest of real estate market conditions.Real Estate is Alive and Well! Call KIM McGuire today to help you with your "Home Sweet Home" by the sea shore! Optimism is in my blood! I have Attitude of Gratitude and that's what I teach my Twins. www.ISLAND-LOVERS.comOPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box!Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Realtor, for Your Home Buying, Selling, or Rent needsKIM McGuire Sells "Home ...
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Let's Elf Ourselves and Everyone Else!Ho Ho Ho!This is great in breaking the real estate market or any market for that matter.A previous buyer client sent me one with their pictures when they Elfed Themselves. For Mature audiences only. Must be able to Laugh! there be some Funny Bones left in our bodies through a bloody real estate market. And, let's get Elfed!Optimism is in my blood! I have Attitude of Gratitude and that's what I teach my Twins. www.ISLAND-LOVERS.comOPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box!Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Realtor, for...
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Corpus Christi Garage SaleEverything in House MUST Go!Date:  December 1 & 2 (Saturday and Sunday) Time: 7 AM to 1 PMAddress:  Cuttysark St. on Padre Island (Corpus Christi)I'm helping a gentleman who was diagnosed with cancer. He's being flown back to Michigan to be with his family and hospice care. I'll have to sell off everything in the house that he was renting.Most of the stuff is in the garage:  tools, many adjustable shelves (chrome), lots of train sets, lots of tools, hand trucks, shop supplies, clothes, shoes, office supplies, desk, dresser, cabinet, computer monitor, copier/fax, phone, etc. Ford F150 Pick Up too.Please stop by. Call 361.215-8612 with any questionsMoney for sold items will be donated to a charity.Optimism is in my blood! I have Attitude of Gratitude and that's w...
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Real Estate Marketing TipUse Video Blogging to Increase Home Listings Visibility and Customer BaseGet HIGH on Google Search too!You don't need a fancy and expensive video camera to make a dent into the real estate video blogging arena. Use your existing camera's feature for shooting short video clips. The only thing that's holding you back is turning the camera from still photo taking to video shooting mode. Then connect your camera via a USB or other cable to your computer. The PC should recognize the "new hard drive" and ask you next what you want to do. Then, follow steps for down loading your video clip to the computer. Then learn to upload onto sites like YouTube!No matter what the media says about the real estate market, there are millions of people looking for homes to purchase. ...
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n-Pro Real Estate ClassifiedBuyers and Investors, Are YOU the Bargain Real Estate Shopper Looking for Foreclosures and FSBO's?Check out and then contact The REALTOR - KIM McGuire for Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Real Estate Foreclosures and FSBO's to help you search and seek potential bargain Homes for Sale opportunities.It's very disheartening to see foreclosed homes. We pray for those people who have lost their homes. It's in the good and the right thing to do to purchase those homes and bring it back to life and fill it with love once again. Optimism is in my blood... I'm The REALTOR for Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Real Estate and Homes for Sale.I have Attitude of Gratitude and that's what I teach my Twins. www.Corpus-WOW.comOP...
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You Don't Have to Turn Me OnOptimism Drives This Realtor Day in And Day Out! Great for Sellers and Buyers who want a Go Getter Realtor!Optimism is in my blood... I'm the Man! I'm The REALTOR for Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas.It's Saturday morning and my blood is pumping. I'm alive. Thank God. I have Beautiful Twins! Though the real estate market cycle and economy is not as friendly to Realtors today as in the past, I'm OPTIMISTIC for Buyers, Sellers, my associates, and myself. The Market can ONLY get better!I have Attitude of Gratitude and that's what I teach my Twins.  www.Corpus-WOW.comOPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box!Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McG...
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n-PRO     Real Estate PollSmoking in a House. Is It Almost Non Existent?Most people have been governed at the work place on "No Smoking" inside the buildings, no smoking in restaurants, and other public places. And there have been mega health blitzs in the media about allergies and such inside the homes.So, what percentage of homes that Realtors go through are actually Smoke Free?A:  >95%B:  85 to 95%C:  80 to 85%D:  70 to 80%E:  <50%It's NEVER too Late to Quit Smoking! Instead of spending all that money on CANCER sticks buy a Bigger and Beautiful House instead! Take a trip to the Florida Keys and visit Maya Thomas the Realtor at Key West, or a trip to Princeton, NJ to visit Lisa Ryan the Realtor, or Robin Rogers the Realtor in San Antonio's world famous River Walk, or Pat Baker the Rea...
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n-PRO Real Estate OptimismWhether Sunshine or Rain, We Need Optimism To Move the Market!I woke up this morning like every morning clapping my hands and saying today is better than yesterday, and I have to work harder and smarter for my clients and myself in order for more sunny days!Without Optimism, we all would probably be taking prozac and turning to drinking. Our family life would be disrupted and things would start caving in.In this state of the real estate market and uncertain economy, Optimism is key! In addition, contingency planning and preparedness. OPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box! Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus C...
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n-PRO Headline PollWhat Drives YOU Crazy About Real Estate?Everyone goes a little crazy in the world of Real Estate whether you are a Realtor, Seller, Buyer, Renter, Lender, Home Inspector, Mortgage Broker, etc.So, what drives you crazy or pissess you off?Dishonest people for sure!Mean people. (Yup, I believe in the bumper sticker "Mean People Suck!")People who don't return calls in a timely manner or not at all.Closings that don't happen on time.Homes that don't sell as anticipated and prayed for.What's YOURS?OPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box! Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Realtor, fo...
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n-PRO Headline NewsAmerica Recycle's Day is Nov. 15th!Recycle Today and Everyday and Earn Your Points to Heaven on Earth!Get off your bottoms and recycle today and every day! There's NO excuse not to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle; Especially for parents! Take the pledge and Recycle. Visit    ( is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box! Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Realtor, for Your Home Buying, Selling, or Rent needsKIM McGuire Sells "Home Sweet Homes!"111207
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11.08.07       n-PRO Headline NewsHow Much Does Your Name Domain Cost On Auction? costs $1,088.00I've never wanted my name for my website. Now and then I check to see if someone has taken my name. And sure enough, some company bought it and is now selling it for $1,088. Their temporary site is geared toward real estate. LOL.Could it be because has gotten over 3,000,000 hits and over 56,000 unique visitors since late 2006. Perhaps that's why some company bought it and is trying to make bucks off it. They're just waiting for me to buy it or that actress. Hmmm.Now, I have to fork up $1,088 for my own name? Geez! I'm chaning my name to Herbert Wolfson. OPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the B...
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By Chul KIM McGuire
11.08.07       n-PRO Headline NewsStart Me Up Because There's NO Turning Back! Things Can and Will ONLY Get Better Because The Market Is At A LOW!OPTIMISM rules for Sellers, Buyers, and Hard and Smart Working REALTORS across the country! Since Christmas decorations are already out at stores, I'm already thinking about Jan. 1, 2008! (And I didn't even see any Thanksgiving stuff out at stores. What's up with that?)So I say to you Sellers, let's stay Optimistic and work within the market to be competitive for a sooner sale than later.So I say to you Buyers, hang in there and you'll get approved for a loan without the incredibly high interest rates and large down payments. It'll happen with faith and a good team consisting of a knowledgeable Realtor with Integrity and Honesty, and a lender ...
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11.06.07   n-PRO Headline NewsPOLL:  So, How Much? How Much Higher Can It Go?What's the cost of a gallon of gas in your area?When do you think the national average for a gallon of gas will hit $3.75? Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Realtor, for Your Home Buying, Selling, or Rent needsKIM McGuire Sells "Home Sweet Homes!"OPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box!
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11.06.07   n-PRO Headline NewsHouse with Cracks Means Water Damage!Protect your home investment. Conduct a Visual INSPECTION of your own home at least once per quarter looking for any signs of Immediate or near future maintenance items. Here are some things to look for:Are there any cracks, gaps, or separation on the siding and trim like fascia boards? If so, there will be water penetration going into the interior underlayment of the house and costly damage will occur.Are there any loose, missing, or damaged shingles?Any loose or missing soffit vents? If missing, then that's an avenue for insects, birds, and rodents (rats, raccoons, bats, etc.) to get into attic and other parts of the house.Is the chimney cap in good shape? If no, then that's an avenue for water infiltration, birds, and...
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11.05.07   n-PRO Headline NewsWe NEED Big Corporations - Lenders To Save Home Owners!Our Prayers are with all the good people who have lost their homes or about to lose their homes due to the subprime - specialty loans and/or due to any other uncontrollable situation like loss of a job.God be with you always. Have Faith and Perseverance to over come the temporary situation.Say NO to Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) for the average home buyers who do not know how to manage such loans!WARNING: The below Video is Intense! The best type of loans are no loans if a person can buy a home outright with cash, 15-year fixed, and if needed - then 30 year FIXED loans! McGuire's real estate has NEVER recommended to his clients other than a 15 or 30 year fixed!OPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a m...
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11.05.07   n-PRO Headline NewsHey! Things That Make us Go Hmmm?Before Pressing the "Send" or "Enter" Button!Okay, how many times have you pressed the Enter or Send button on your keyboard and said "Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea!"Was that a $68,000 email down the commode?Avoid the Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea syndrome over and over again! Proof read your email, docs, and blogs!What are you trying to say? What's the purpose of your communication? Is it merely info? Do you want someone to do something? Is it merely a rambling session to deaf ears? Do you want to influence someone? Want feedback?So, how are the SPELING and GRAMAR in the written product? Better be above average if the intent of the written communication is meant to influence another person. Poor grammar and spelling may be viewed as a re...
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11.04.07   n-PRO Headline NewsBeing No. 1, 2, or 3 on Search Engines Isn't Necessarily the Answer to Great Business!Are the Realtors who show up on page 1 of search engines as number 1, 2, or 3 ranking getting all or most of the buyers, sellers, or renters' business?NO, that's not necessarily so. What's important for Realtors and any other business is to get on Page, 1, 2, or 3 of the search engine results and as many times as possible! And what's also important is to understand the consumer target. What search words or phrases are your target consumers using to find you or other similar businesses?Consumers use the search engines and check Realtors' websites to see several things:Website layout and presentation of information: User Friendliness.Homes... homes... homes. Consumers want t...
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10.31.07   n-PRO Headline Newsn-PRO Realtor Right on the Nose Predicting Fed Reserve Move to Reduce Lending Rate by 0.25%n-PRO prediction right on the nose!Fed Reserve reduced lending rate 0.25% to 4.5%.Click HERE for n-PRO's previous blog prediction on this matter. Click HERE for Yahoo News on Fed Reserve move.OPTIMISM is contagious! And it's all a matter of viewing On Top of the Box, All Around the Box, Under the Box, Outside of the Box, and yes, In The Box!Cheers, KIM.Contact Mr. C. KIM McGuire, n-PRO @ 361.215-8612, a RE/MAX Corpus Christi to Padre Island to Port Aransas Realtor, for Your Home Buying, Selling, or Rent needsKIM McGuire Sells "Home Sweet Homes!"
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