‡Achew! Achew! Achew!So, What's in YOUR Med Cabinet?By now, hopefully many people have heard of "Airborne" effervescent tablets to help fight off colds, flu's, and nearly any other early signs of something like a flu.So, what's in my kitchen cabinet near the vitamins?Airborne of course! The stuff really WORKS! Even after getting a cold/flu, Airborne taken in sufficient quantity and frequency helps shorten the affects of the flu! Also, plenty of liquids, vitamin C, and rest is required for a speedy recovery.There's also something called "Yin Chiao." I don't have any "data" on the effectiveness of that. Perhaps we can get Blog audience to weigh in on yin chiao.Let's STOP the Flu! Wash hands FREQUENTLY! Better yet, use Hand Sanitizers like "germ-X."Every day we are touching other people's ...