
Corpus Christi, TX Real Estate News

Now, members of the Corpus Christi Association of Realtors (that includes me) can access MORE Listing and Property Information through the MLS Data Co-op. The core benefit of the Data Co-op is that it allows Realtors to access listing information in other markets. This is a great value-add when assisting a client in a relocation to another city providing a little more reassurance and knowledge to a client before making that leap of faith into the hands of another Realtor in a strange city. The Data Co-op is also an excellent way to expose our listings to other REALTORS across the county, greatly improving referral business across state lines. That greatly improves the exposure for our clients in getting their homes sold, too! This is a REALTOR-to-REALTOR solution, so agents will have ac...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
Dobie Haven Corpus Christi TX Several years ago I saw a Doberman at Dobie Haven, a non-profit shelter and adoption center, with only three feet.  No one knew what happened to her fourth foot since she was a stray.  She was so timid that I couldn't resist and I adopted her, brought her home and Princess became another member of our family.  Princess is a wonderful dog and showed me what a great breed Dobermans are, I was inspired to join the Board of Dobie Haven and now serve as their Secretary. Dobie Haven is a Doberman Pinscher rescue organization which was the dream of Alyce Franke.  It was started in 1999 and several years later became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  This organization does not receive any city, state, or federal funding. The mission of Dobie Haven is to rescue, r...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
Lost Pet Hotline Corpus Christi TX Several years ago, our family dog, a toy apricot poodle escaped our back yard through a hole in the fence.  As luck would have it, he had just had a bath and had been put out back to dry prior to being groomed collar and no tags, they were sitting on the kitchen counter.  Lost Pet Hotline came to the rescue.  One phone call to them and they told me where I could find the escapee.  Lost Pet Hotline in Corpus Christi, Texas was established in 1986 to provide a central information network through which lost pets are reunited with their searching owners.  There are hundreds of people in and around Corpus Christi who lose their pets every month.  They understand how devastating it is to lose a pet who has become a much-loved member of their family. ...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
Coastal Bend Bays Foundation in Corpus Christi Texas I recently attended a meeting of the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation in Corpus Christi, Texas.  The membership of this non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization is comprised, according to their pamphlet, of representatives of environmental groups, fishing organizations, port industries, government agencies, university scientists and concerned citizens.  I would fall into the group of concerned citizens.  The mission statement of the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation is "The Coastal Bend Bays Foundation is a public interest organization dedicated to the conservation of freshwater and coastal natural resources for current and future generations through consensus, facilitation, communication, advocacy, research and education." The Coastal Bend Bays Fo...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
Principal and Interest What a difference a few percentage points makes on the principal and interest on a loan and thereby the payment.  Most homeowners in the Corpus Christi, Texas area who are willing to owner finance are asking for an interest rate of around 12%.  That sounds high until you stop to take a look back to 1984; back then people were purchasing homes and paying interest rates of 18%. I was just working with some folks showing them the tremendous difference the interest rate makes on the principal and interest on a loan.  Using a fixed-rate 30 year loan for $100,000 for example, what a difference there is between a 12% and 5.5% loan.  The principal and interest on a fixed-rate 30 year loan at 12% would create a monthly payment of $1,028.61.  At the end of the first year, o...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
What is a Home Warranty? Many real estate agents in Corpus Christi, Texas recommend a home warranty for the homeowner.  A home warranty is a service contract that can help protect a homeowner from the cost of repairs and/or replacement of some of the most frequent major systems and appliances that break down in the home due to normal wear.  A home warranty is available to both the home seller and the home buyer. Normally the home warranty is a one-year contract that can be purchased before, during, and after the sell of the home. When the home warranty is purchased during the listing and escrow period, it can help the seller with repairs that might delay a closing. A house with a home warranty usually sells at a higher price and faster than a home without a home warranty. Many sellers a...
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In recent weeks, 25 more local Corpus Christi businesses have partnered up with Corpus Christi's new recycling program that is tied in with Citizens earn points every time they participate in the recycling program by placing their Smart Carts on the curbside on pick up days. Rewards come in the form of prizes and coupons that can be redeemed through the Recycle Bank website. Coupons can be printed off from emails sent by Recycle Bank. We just received our first coupons this past week just for enrolling in the program. It was for a free meal at Popeye's chicken. I love fried chicken! It is great to see our city making headway in becoming a greener city. I love that we also have an instruction label printed on the lid for those of us who can't remember what goes into ...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
What is earnest money?  In most cases, in Corpus Christi, Texas, when the buyer makes an offer on a home and signs the paperwork, they will write a check for earnest money that normally ranges from $500 up to $1500, usually depending on the price of the home they are making the offer on.  This shows the homeowner the buyer is genuine in their intent to purchase the property.  The earnest money check is usually made payable to the title company selected by the buyer.  The title company handles the paperwork for the sale and will hold the earnest money in escrow until the closing. Depending on specifics detailed in the contract, the buyer may receive a refund of the earnest money.  Typically, if the buyer defaults on the contract they lose the earnest money and it is turned over to the se...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
Corpus Christi TX Weather Corpus Christi weather includes a sunshine average for the year of approximately 60%.  Corpus Christi has 102 days a year with clear skies, 121 days of partly cloudy skies, and only 142 days a year with cloudy skies.  So hey, Corpus Christi, where's the sun?  We have had dreary skies for the last week here in Corpus Christi.  Seven days in a row of cloudy skies is unusual for us.  And if you talk about Corpus Christi weather, you have to talk about the balmy temperatures in Corpus Christi.  We have an average of 105 days a year with temperatures over 90 degrees and only an average of 6 (that's right count 'em 6) days a year when the temperature dips below freezing.  After a cold spell of let's say 45 to 55 degrees, we normally warm back up to the high 60's or ...
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By Suzanne Taylor, Home Sales In Corpus Christi, TX
(Ultima Real Estate - Corpus Christi)
Thanks goodness Active Rain has such great members.  I recently read a post about identity theft sugesting that you make sure the website you think you are on appears in the address bar.   Sure am glad I read the post before I received the following in an email: Re-confirm your craigslist account !   Reply | show details 9:34 AM (6 hours ago) Due to fraud attempts, craigslist decided to ask you a reconfirmation of your account.Please follow the link and fill out the form carefully:Please clik here to verify your accountPlease fill this as soon as possible. Your account is in danger right now and a reconfirmation is required in 24 hours. Thank you for using craigslist!   When I clicked on the link it took me to this page:   craigslist: Account Log In Log in to your craigsli...
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By Erelopro Out of Business, Relocation Professionals are out of business
It's amazing how bombarded we have become over the last few months with prospective home buyers wanting to contact us in regards to purchasing homes in the Corpus Christi area. We all know that the Home Buyers Credit is due to expire very soon, and due to this a lot of people are scrambling to get in contact with an aggressive buyers agent. A good amount of these people need assistance now, to be able to buy their homes as soon as possible. These people truly need an agent whom has the time and experience to respond to these inquiries. We have learned that persistence has proven to pay dividends with these inquiring families and individuals. If you are serious about having the ability to increase the amount of prospective home buyers you contact each month, we would love the chance to t...
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By Robin Rogers, CRS, TRC, MRP - Real Estate Investment Adviser
(Robin Rogers, Silverbridge Realty, San Antonio, Texas)
This is one of the units at the Seaside Inn in Corpus Christi that I have available for lease (the other is a studio). This is a really cute apartment, fully furnished and decorated in a funky beach style. The window treatments, linens, and laminate flooring are new, and it has just been repainted as well. It is in a great location convenient to the universities, Medical Center, the Naval Air Station, and shopping and dining. It's only 3 blocks from elegant Ocean Drive, and a short drive from the beach at North Padre Island. Check out the virtual photos in the Real Estate Show, and click the Details tab for lots more information!   If you can't see the Real Estate Show above, click here to view it.  
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By Tiffany Burke
(Group one real estate)
  If you are interested in browsing the Corpus Christi area housing market but are not quite ready to call and agent,  I am introducing a hassle free MLS search.  By clicking on the link below, you will be able to search all properties for sale in the Corpus Christi (and surrounding areas) by yourself, without any phone calls or hassles until your ready.  You can select very specific or a very broad criteria and even search for rental properties. Most people start their home search on the Internet before they ever pick up the phone to call a Realtor.   I wanted to make it a more accessable task so that you can see everything that's available on the market and not only mine or my office listings.  Also, another hassle free service I offer is a personalized web page.  The simple process ...
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By Keith McMullin, Port Aransas Real Estate
(Port Aransas Realty)
The Corpus Christi Caller Times is reporting that 94.5 acres of undeveloped land on Padre Island will be up for auction next Saturday (11/21).  Beachfront land and a potential marina site are included.  Read the complete article here. Thank you for visiting the Port Aransas real estate blog. Keith McMullin – Broker/Realtor Search All Port Aransas Listings
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  This is a great article for homebuyers and real estate professionals alike.  Please let me know what your thoughts are on the tax credit and the possible extention of it.   According to an article written By Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Writer On October 28, 2009 WASHINGTON (AP) -Senators agreed Wednesday to extend a popular tax credit for first-time homebuyers and to offer a reduced credit to some repeat buyers. The tax credit provides up to $8,000 to first-time homebuyers but is set to expire at the end of November. The Commerce Department said Wednesday that new home sales fell 3.6 percent in September, and some industry representatives blamed uncertainty about the tax credit.                                                                                 Senators agreed to...
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By Tiffany Burke
(Group one real estate)
  Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a condo, and a town home? Well, if you answered yes to this question, you are certainly not alone. In fact, I was surprised to realize that most people do not know the difference, there seems to be much confusion and debate on this subject even between professionals. I thought it would make for a great educational blog regarding this subject to clear up these common mis-conceptions.     According to the Realty times; A condominium buyer owns their unit, plus a percentage of the surrounding property, including land and amenities on the property. Residents are members of a homeowners' association (HOA) and pay a monthly fee to the association in exchange for maintenance of the common property. Each condominium complex has a master de...
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By Tiffany Burke
(Group one real estate)
          Something happened this week that brought to mind the technology that we use on a day to day basis that most of us,  probably never think about.  One of those wonderful things is the very useful but sometimes terribly mis-used text message.  I know that it is very helpful and also saves alot of time, especially when your in a big hurry and can't bear to get tied into a phone conversation with that chatty agent who has nothing better to do that talk about her uncle Bob's hip-replacement surgery.  LOL, that was a joke but on a serious note I thought it would be a great idea for a  list of some do's and  do not's of texting...Most of these "should be" common sense but apparently, (after the ordeal this week) I learned some of us may be a little slower than here it go...
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By Corpus Christi
(Corpus Christi Real Estate)
Corpus Christi is experiencing noticeable drops in monthly sales and average home price. The median home price has also dropped, but not as dramatically as the other two market indicators. December 2008 saw 30 more sales than November 2008, but it was down 12.46 percent from the previous December and down 34.79 percent from December 2006. The city finished the year with only one month experiencing a growth in sales, September, and that increase was only 3.68 percent. No month saw increases in the two year percent change. December was down almost 35 percent, which is the third highest change after October and November. To Read more Corpus Christi Real Estate Stats for December Stats Provided by Corpus Christi Real Estate
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By Corpus Christi
(Corpus Christi Real Estate)
The monthly home sales in the Corpus area are noticeably lower than their 2006 and 2007 counterparts. The sales numbers show every month in 2008 experienced lower sales than in 2006 and 2007. The summer sales in 2008 are more on par with the lower sales months in 2006.  (to read more Corpus Christi Real Estate Blog) Jill works with Corpus Christi Real Estate
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   I got my Texas Loan Officer license in 2/2008 and got sponsored by a local Corpus Christi Tx Mortgage Broker... I did this to be able to help my buyers, as a buyers agent be more familiar with the loan process. I have never perform as a loan officer and as a real estae agent in the same transaction , even though there are disclosure available to  allow that.    I recently was "let go" and became inactive because the Mortgage Broker was FHA certified and it is against FHA guidelines to be a Loan Officer and work as a Real Estate Agent if the Mortgage Broker generates FHA loans. My question is what about Texas Real Estate Brokers who are also Texas Mortgage Brokers, do they have to give up FHA certification?    I also would like to know if I could go work for a Mortgage broker that doe...
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