Facts About Lake ConroeConstruction:Started January , 1970 - completed January 1973 Cost:$30,000,000 Filled: October 31, 1973 Normal Pool: Elevation 201.00 feet above mean sea level Surface Area: 22,000 acres (5,000 acres in Sam Houston National Forest) Capacity: 430,260 acre feet (140,200,651,000 gallons) Average Depth: 20.5 feet Yield: 100,000 acre feet per year (90 million gallons per day) Water Use:San Jacinto River Authority - one third for industrialand irrigation; two thirds City of Houston Water Releases: Floodwater - by raising gates (5 gates 40' wide). Water for downstream - through service outlet structure using one or two of three gates at different elevations. Evaporation:Average annual - 48 inches (71 million gallons per day). Summer (115 million gallons per day). Winter (...