Yesterday, I took a “Mental Health Day” Yep! I woke up feeling mentally scorched . . . barren I sent a message to my team that I would NOT be in the office and that I would be unreachable. It’s good to unplug every so often to rejuvenate our MOJO, isn’t it? Why don’t we practice this more often? I busied myself the entire day with mindless “work” . . . without speaking a word for hours. This is a way of decompressing that is very effective to quiet and re-set your mind to summon new energy and perspective on your work. Seriously – It’s like a “Sick Day” for your mind. Try it! I think you’ll like it. I ended the day by having some friends over for the 1st EVER “Owen Hollow Full Moon Pickin’ Party” We decided the Pickin’ Party is worthy of making a habit of it, so . . . On the Fridays cl...