In the nation, only five markets showed projected appreciation of more than 4 percent - two of them are in Tennessee. Albuquerque was first, followed by Seattle; Nashville; Lancaster, Pa.; and Knoxville. Most of the nation will see at least a 5 percent drop in home values. Experts said many homeowners in Tennessee don't have sub-prime loans. Homeowners with those adjustable rate mortgages have gotten in financial trouble. That is one reason the housing market is better here.A new survey claims Clarksville, Tennessee residents will see big gains in 2008; in fact, the biggest in the country. If someone in Clarksville has a home worth $200,000, it should appreciate by 6.4 percent in 2008 or $12,800, according to the survey. Quality of life is high. Nashville was named one of the 15 best U...