Opry Mills Shopping Mall Nashville TN
By Jill Winchel, We make it easy. You make it home.
(Royal Shell Real Estate - The Koffman Group )
Opry Mills Shopping Mall Nashville TN My daughter and I visited Opry Mills yesterday for two reasons. Her social studies teacher is giving the students extra credit if they go to the American Presidents exhibit and take a picture of themselves with a president. The other reason is that my son bought a shirt at J Crew Factory Outlet while home during the holiday break and decided he didn’t really need it and asked me to return it. Since the mall is a 25 minute drive from my home in Brentwood, I was glad not to drive up there for just one reason. This was my first visit since 2010 when many areas of Nashville flooded, including the mall, as it sits right next to the Cumberland River. It was closed for a couple of years, had insurance trouble, changed ownership and finally began to attra...