307 33rd Avenue North: Modern Takes Hold of Nashville Neighborhood
By Kimble Bosworth, bozTEAM
(Proforma Printelligence)
There are pioneers in Nashville. No, this is not a blog about Rachel Donelson. (Bonus points for those of you who knew she was an original settler who later became Mrs. Andrew Jackson. Half credit for those who googled to find this out.) The pioneers to whom I refer are those who havecreated the modern enclave of homes high atop the hill overlooking Interstate 440 in an area known as Nevada Heights. The original visionary braved construction delays, an early fire that destroyed one of the original homes and much more to bring his vision for this modern hillside to life.And over the years, a brave few (about one per year was the going rate of construction for some time) settled the hillside...lured by the spectacular views and convenient commute. There are a wide variety of homes on this...