Austin Peay State University (Clarksville, TN)
By Roland Woodworth, Benchmark Realty
(Blue Cord Realty)
If your looking for things to do in Clarksville Tennessee, make plans this weekend this Saturday December 7th to go see The Nuckcracker. There will be two shows at the Clement Building on the Austin Peay State University Campus. Show times will be at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm and tickets can be purchased online at or at the door for $25 for adults and $20 for children. Also if you have a group of 15 or more, then you pay $18 per ticket. If you mention you  CLARKSVILLE EVENTS at the door you will receive $5 off each purchased ticket. So be sure to mention CLARKSVILLE EVENTS and save some money ! This year there will be an addition to the opening scene of the Nutcracker of a four footed performers. Dance Theatre of Tennessee is partnering with several Middle Tennessee a...
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By Roland Woodworth, Benchmark Realty
(Blue Cord Realty)
  Feb 9, 2010  Based on the snow fall that started last night, many people will likely head off to Austin Peay State University - Emerald Hill. This was the place to be just over a week ago when Clarksville had 7 inches of snow fall on Jan 30, 2010.  If you are looking for Another Fun Snow Day in Clarksville Tennessee, you will probably not be alone.  Emerald Hill was the place to be. People took their sleds, snow boards, air mattress, inner tubes, trash can lids, toy airplanes and even plastic to venture down Emerald Hill.   If you are going to venture out to Austin Peay State University - Emerald Hill, be sure to bundle up and think safety as you have fun going down the hill.  Be on the watch for others and share the hill. Watch out for the Huge tree and try to obey the posted speed l...
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