
Spartanburg, SC Real Estate News

By Yvette Gardner
(Keller Williams Realty, Spartanburg, SC)
Most parents probably know how difficult it is for a teenager to relocate to a new area leaving behind their school and all of their friends.  Getting them involved in the decision making process will make the transitions much easier.  Allowing them to have a say in the school they will be going to is probably one of the most important decisions you can get them involved in; after all, for a teen this is where most of their time is spent and where they will be making new friends.  Allowing them some say in the house will also make them feel like they where an important part of the decisions making process and the move; making the transition much easier for everyone!
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By Yvette Gardner
(Keller Williams Realty, Spartanburg, SC)
Most upscale or luxury properties are unique.  Most upscale property buyers lead busy lives and want this process to be as hassle-free as possible.  Many don't need to move so they will wait for the right property to come along.  So if you're selling an upscale home it needs to be clean, organized, updated, freshly painted and staged to show like a model home.  There are a number of pitfalls you want to avoid as a luxury home seller. Don't underestimate your competition - you should view other homes on the market in your price range.  Even though each home is unique, buyers in this market will be viewing the same homes. Don't overestimate the value - when viewing the other homes take notice of the unique features and amenities and compare those to your home.  Don't let the personal or s...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Every day, more and more agents/Mortgage Brokers are throwing in the towels to find other ways to make ends meet.  Some are finding it difficult to stay above water. What is it that is keeping me in this business?  For one, it is because we are passionate about what we do and we are determined to succeed in what we do.  We pay attention to the changing market and we do not wait on analysis to tell me what's wrong with my market.  We make necessary changes as we see fit. The end result is getting the listing but we do not make that our biggest focus, we focus right now in keeping busy in this business and not give up.  Our past customers do keep in touch with us and we do likewise, referral's is also a part of our business and we sincerely appreciate the relationships that we have formed...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
1. Good Faith Estimate (GFE) - This will break down all of the closing costs of the loan. These numbers are very difficult to get exact but the loan officer should never be off more than a couple hundred dollars. 2. Truth in Lending Statement (TIL) - This document will disclose several important numbers but most importantly the Annual Percentage Rate, and whether the loan has a prepayment penalty or not. 3. Financing Agreement - This document right here is gold and you should have a financing agreement early on whether the rate is locked or floating. The loan officer should issue this to you not only for your protection, but also for his since it lays out whether the rate is locked or if it is floating, the loan type, rate and any points being charged.
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
1. Proper Pricing - No matter the size of your home, pricing will determine how long your home sits on the market. Don't be afraid to drop the listing price to gain more interest. The chances are the money you lose here will be substantially less than if you priced your home high and brought down. 2. Hiring a Realtor - A good Realtor adds enough value to your home (or generates a good offer) to cover the commission you will pay out. An important factor in choosing your Realtor is to make sure they're familiar with the neighborhood. Knowledge is priceless when it comes to a Realtor selling your home. Also, how do they plan on marketing your home? Hiring a team of agents can assure you will have the proper representation. 3. Quick Fixes - Investing money in a huge remodel is not usually g...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Today we had our community Parking Lot Sale and it went great. we open this morning at 7am and had people looking at the items with flashlights. We had a few rushes. they came in spurts but did well. Once we were done at 1pm we boxed everything up and had it shipped to the soup kitchen where it will be put to use for someone that needs it.
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy - happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers/clients. 1) Answer your phone. 2) Don't make promises unless you WILL keep them. 3) Listen to your customers/clients. 4) Deal with complaints. 5) Be helpful - even if there's no immediate profit in it. 6) Train yourself to be ALWAYS helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable. 7) Take the extra step. 8) Throw in something extra. If you apply these eight simple rules consistently, your business will become known for its good customer service. And the best part? The...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Our community parking lot sale is on the way, We have items to put out and sale. It's all for a great cause. The weather will be cool but we will be warm knowing that our hearts are warmed by doing the right thing. I've always believed that if you do good things then good things comes back to you. We will be in the parking lot at 6am until at least 1pm, enjoying the company with KW family and friends. Saturday October 4th 7:00 am - Until Keller Williams Office Park 245 E. Blackstock Rd. Spartanburg, SC
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
staging and pricing strategies For sale sign, Ryder signs Tube for flyers Flyers in house/home book MLS Web listing with virtual tours House features Open house's E-mail & Fax Track showing with feedback Target marketing Weekly Seller Updates Property Caravans Create your own marketing ideas  When you have a successful listing, everything else seems to fall into place. If you focus on marketing your seller listing then the buyers will come.  
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Cooler weather is finally here, Everyone will get ready to have yard sales, Garage sales, Go to football games. This time of the year is my favorite. You have the changing of colors in the leaves, changing in weather from scorching hot to mild cool.  It's time to close that pool and break out the fire pits and still relax with family and friends. I remember having a fire pit and how relaxing it was to set around the fire talking to friends and drinking either hot tea or hot cocoa. I'm looking forward to the cooler weather, how about everyone else.
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
It's not bad enough when gas prices rises over $4.00 a gallon but when the gas station covers up the pumps with bags to tell us that they are out of gas. That's terrible. We had to go to the store today and when we passed 1-7 gas stations, they were out of gas but one. When is this crises ever going to stop. Don't the government know that people have to live by going  to work.  Kids have to learn by going to school. Is this a flash back of the Seventies.What's eveyone else think. We would like to know. Give your input on this topic. 
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By Yvette Gardner
(Keller Williams Realty, Spartanburg, SC)
I'm against the $85 BILLION bailout of AIG. Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a "We Deserve It" dividend.  To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bona fide U.S. citizens, aged 18+. Our population is about 301 million counting every man, woman and child.  So, 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up.  Now, divide 200 million, 18+ adults into $85 billion - that equals $425,000.00 each!   Yes, my plan is to give that $425,000 to every adult as a "We Deserve It" dividend. Of course, it would NOT be tax free.  So, let's assume a tax rate of 30%.  Everyone would pay $127,500.00 in taxes.  That sends $25.5 billion right back to Uncle Sam!  It also means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.  A husband and wife would h...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
The best landscape designs are the ones that have been carefully thought out with attention paid to the details. Before planning a landscape it is important to decide what style would best fit your home and lifestyle. One of the most important things in landscape design is to work with what you have. When choosing a landscape or garden style, there are a few factors you should consider: 1. What kind of conditions exist in your yard? Is the area sunny or mostly shady? 2. What kind of activities do you plan to use your yard for? 3. Who will be using the yard? Do you have children or pets you should consider? 4. Do you need a low-maintanance landscape or do you enjoy spending a lot of time caring for your yard? 5. Which landscape style would best fit your home? 6. Which landscape style bes...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Landscaping is one of the most cost-effective ways to customize a home to meet your needs and tastes. Good landscaping will add value to your home, enhance your lifestyle, and bring long-lasting satisfaction to the entire family. It used to be that creating your overall landscape design required that you hire a landscape architect or that you strive forward blindly on your own. Now you have a choise of resources to help you plan your landscaping. Many garden centers and nurseries now provide landscaping advice. Such advice is usually available free or at low costs, but the quality of the advice can vary from very sophisticated to downright lousy. Here are 5 more landscaping ideas to consider for your backyard: 1. Outdoor Entertaining Good landscaping can provide ideal venues for enterta...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Home security is very important to peace of mind, and many factors go into determining how secure a home will be. Most people find home security issues confusing and end up spending money on measures that aren't really effective or appropriate for their home. Here are the issues you should consider in making your home more secure. While installing a home security system is very effective, it is also important to address the low cost items first. Burglars want to get the most loot in the shortest time with the least amount of risk. To improve your odds, use motion detectors to activate outdoor lighting and increase outdoor lighting. Make sure entrances and windows are visible from a distance. Eliminate or trim shrubbery and trees that can provide cover for thieves. When going out of town...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Feeling safe and secure is an important element in enjoying your home. If you're purchasing a new home, or considering a remodel or addition to your existing home, you might want to assess your security from doors to windows. A locksmith might be the person you want to consider calling. If you've had the same locks and keys for your house for several years, you may want to re-key existing locks or upgrade your locks with some of the newer locks on the market. Door viewers, which allow you to see your visitors before letting them in, may also be installed. And gate locks, which can provide an added measure of security, may be included in your overall security plan. Aside from providing your overall nuts-and-bolts security system, the locksmith can be called upon for special services. Lif...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Preventing Mildew Mildew is a thin, black, or sometimes white, growth produced by mold. Molds are plants belonging to the group known as fungi. Though molds are always present in the air, that will cause mildew need moisture and certain temperatures to grow. Mold will grow on anything and mildew will flourish wherever it is damp, warm, poorly lighted and/or where air is not circulated. Wine cellars, basements, crawl spaces and even clothing closets should be watched closely for growth. Mildew can also be found on draperies and rugs in basement recreation rooms, on shower curtains and on damp clothes rolled up for ironing. As the molds grow, they cause considerable damage. They leave a musty odor; they discolor fabrics, including leather; and sometimes they eat into them until the fabric...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
  Mildew is a thin, black, or sometimes white, growth produced by mold. Molds are plants belonging to the group known as fungi. Though molds are always present in the air, those that cause mildew need moisture and certain temperatures to grow. Keep your house dry at all times, mold loves damp and warm areas. Preventing mildew topics to come.  
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By Ginger Ryals
(Prudential C Dan Joyner and Young Realtors)
In my last blog, I talked about moving to my new team and so; I wanted to dedicate this blog to my previous company, Keller Williams Realty Spartanburg. KW Spartanburg will always hold a special place in my heart. Keller Williams has so many values that are precious to me which made my decision to leave a sad and difficult decision. I believe my foundation as a Realtor is stronger because of the support and training from KW and the encouragement from my treasured KW friends.  My decision to change companies and to join a team as a Buyers Agent instead of working as individual agent was strictly a business decision that I made for my family as well as my career. There are so many special people that work at KW Spartanburg that I will miss dearly.  Thanks to all of you and please keep in ...
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By Ron Martin, Ron Martin Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Taking your workout outdoors is exciting and is a great way to motivate yourself to stay with an exercise plan. Consider these suggestions for protecting yourself on your outdoor workout. Avoid wearing headphones. It makes it more difficult to hear traffic or potential attackers and also takes the focus off your workout technique. If you must wear headphones, keep the volume low and pay attention to your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings. Stay in familiar, well-lit areas. Work out with a partner or your dog, and if you will be alone let someone know when you expect to be back from your workout and your expected route. Always run facing oncoming traffic. Make eye contact with drivers of vehicles when at crossroads, traffic lights, etc so you know they see you. Carry a cell phon...
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