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Homes for Sale in Botany Woods Subdivision in Greenville, SC What's the neighbhood like?Botany Woods is one of Greenville’s established neighborhoods located about 4 miles from downtown Greenville, this neighborhood enjoys the convenience of living close to the heart of downtown Greenville offering not only the finest of shops but also the widest range of restaurants, recreational, entertainment venues, Greenville-Spartanburg airport, Bob Jones University, and golf course.Botany Woods began development in 1960s and have approximately 379 homes. The streets are lined with tall mature trees and the neighborhood boast unique architectural styles including ranch, split-level, contemporary and two-story traditional homes. Botany Woods subdivision is best known for its large lots, tall oak t...
Market information on Botany Woods in Greenville, SC: Year Average Sold Price 2000 216,925 2001 181,637 2002 201,357 2003 208,516 2004 230,309 2005 250,150 2006 256,776 2007 309,461 2008 395,191 2009 238,785 2010 273,220 2011 227,316 ###When it's time to buy or sell real estate in Greenville, SC you need to work with a realtor who is honest, trustworthy, and knows the market. Dave Edwards - Greenville, SC Realtor - makes a strong effort to keep up with Greenville, SC market trends by analyzing market information on a daily basis. Who do you know that needs to sell? Contact us today at 864.275.7250.Based on sales by GGAR members and CRS data.
Botany Woods subdivision in Greenville, SC: Year Average Sold Price 2000 216,925 2001 181,637 2002 201,357 2003 208,516 2004 230,309 2005 250,150 2006 256,776 2007 309,461 2008 395,191 2009 238,785 2010 273,220 2011 221,333 ### Dave Edwards Realty exists to provide real estate services to the Greenville area at an affordable fee. Services may include buying or selling a home, consulting, teaching classes, expert witness, remodeling research, home building research, real estate planning, and more. Dave Edwards is a professional Greenville, SC Realtor and an Accredited Consultant in Real Estate (ACRE). Market data is based on GGAR and CRS data.
Here is some current market information about Botany Woods Subdivision: Right now there are 9 properties on the market. The highest price is $800,000 and the lowest is $162,000. Most Botany Woods homes are in the $200,000-300,000 range. There have been two sales at $319,000 and $135,000 in 2011. An additional 3 sellers tried to sell, but eventually took their home of the market. ### Dave Edwards Realty exists to provide real estate services to the Greenville area at an affordable fee. Services may include buying or selling a home, consulting, teaching classes, expert witness, remodeling research, home building research, real estate planning, and more. Dave Edwards is a professional Greenville, SC Realtor and an Accredited Consultant in Real Estate (ACRE). Market data is based on GGAR ...
The only guarantee we have about marketing in today’s real estate climate is change. The market has changed. The buyer has changed. Will it ever change back and if so will we market the same way? I am not sure and do not intend to make any grand projections other than the pendulum swings in both directions and God is not making any more dirt. So my assumption is like most cycles, these tough times will change. And marketing has and will continue to change with it. So where does that actually leave us today? It leaves us working harder and expecting less.It leaves us reevaluating the products we develop and how we market them. We are back to the basics of asking ourselves what needs does the market have and how can we serve them? And how will we fill the need better than our competiti...
I have seen a trend in our discussions in the past few months with many people in many industries. It usually starts with a conversation about marketing on a shoestring budget or how to market to be ahead of the curve as things begin to turn. I think regardless of industry, and specifically in real estate, you need to pay close attention to the relationships that you have at hand and stay in front of them as much as possible. It is far more economical to turn prospects into customers than it is to create new prospects, so your existing database should be a primary focus during these slower times. And while you’re at it, why not take the time to review your processes and make sure that your data has the utmost integrity and can be fully leveraged as things begin to turn. After all,...
Botany Woods subdivision in Greenville, SC: Year Average Sold Price 1999 166,646 2000 219,253 2001 181,637 2002 201,357 2003 208,516 2004 230,309 2005 250,150 2006 256,776 2007 309,461 2008 395,191 When it's time to buy or sell real estate in Greenville, SC you need to work with a realtor who is honest, trustworthy, and knows the market. The Dave Edwards Global Team makes a strong effort to keep up with Greenville, SC real estate market trends by analyzing market information on a daily basis. Who do you know that needs to sell? Contact us today at 864.275.7250. Based on sales by GGAR members.