Columbia SC has launched "Taking Back Our City"
By Chip Jefferson
(Gibbs Realty and Auction Company)
The level of crime is not acceptable, Mayor Bob Coble said. "We are declaring war on crime." There are some good and bad here in the new report from the Columbia Police Department. Overall we are still in better shape than most major citys across the country. But here are the quoted facts. Columbia City Crime Overall crime in the city is up 8% to date this year, compared with last year. Violent crime Homicide: down 23 percent Rape: up 42 percent Commercial armed robbery: up 63 percent Individual armed robbery: up 7 percent Commercial strong-arm robbery: down 41 percent Individual strong arm-robbery: up 9 percent Carjacking: up 180 percent Aggravated assault: up 3 percent Property crime Commercial burglary: up 17 percent Residential burglary: up 4 percent Autobreaking: up 23 percent Lar...