PA Monument History Gettysburg National Military Park
By Gerry Michaels, GettysburgGerry Social Meida
(Glasswork Media Arts)
PA Monument History Gettysburg National Military Park Adams county Pennsylvania has a lot to offer visitors, be a tour through apple country, or a walk through many of the historic little towns that dot the countryside, but the king to the heap has got to be the Gettysburg National Military Park. The battlefield and buildings are a wonderful step back to a pivotal moment in our counties formation. One of the things I find fascinating at the Gettysburg National Military Park are the monuments that cover the Gettysburg battlefield. Each monument has an interesting history all its own. Whether it is something as grand as the Eternal Light of Peace monument, or as simple as the stone pillar of the 2nd Mass near Culps hill. The most striking and arguably the grandest monument on the fi...