Current Listings in the 17325 Gettysburg Pa area
By Gerry Michaels, GettysburgGerry Social Meida
(Glasswork Media Arts)
Current Listings in the 17325 Gettysburg Pa areaCurrently there are 57 listings in the 17325 area code, Gettysburg Pa area. Price ranges run from a $65,000 commercial lot to a $2,295,000 commercial lot. Of course there is everything in between as well. The market in the Gettysburg has been one of the hardest hit in the Adams County area. Many of the school districts with much lower property taxes that surround the Gettysburg borough have become popular with buyers, and we are seeing buyers choosing those area's over the more expensive and restrictive Gettysburg Borough. Prices in the Gettysburg Borough have come down due to that progression so there are some really good buys in the Gettysburg Borough at this time. If you or a friend or family member is looking to buy or sell a home in t...