Gettysburg View - Exclusive Homes in Gettysburg Pa
By Gerry Michaels, GettysburgGerry Social Meida
(Glasswork Media Arts)
Gettysburg View - Exclusive Homes in Gettysburg PaHere in Gettysburg Pa alot of attention is paid to the historic detail of the houses in and around the Adams County area. Mixed in with all this history we do have some very nice new contemporary homes and neighborhoods. Among one of the nicer neighborhoods is the Gettysburg View cluster of homes right outside of Gettysburg on the Biglerville Rd. This group of 14 homes that make up Gettysburg View were built in approximately 1999 - 2002, they are some of the biggest homes in the area, and offer up very nice views of the surrounding countryside. The homes were built by Artisan Design Builders and are a mix of homes ranging in size from 1911 square feet with a three bedroom, two bath design to the much larger 2737 square feet with a five b...