
Wilsonville, OR Real Estate News

By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
      When Your Parent Needs to Go to An Adult Care Foster Home, What About Their Home One of the most difficult things to handle, I believe, in any child's life is when their parent or parents have the need to be in an Adult Care Foster Home.  Decisions are difficult about where to place them (sounds cold does it not), finances of how to care for them and the stage of life they are in. I think it is a difficult time of life as our parents age and we need to take over, much as we have for our own children.  It is not always possible to take them into your own home for many reasons and putting them Adult Care Foster Homes is not easy. Then what do you do about their house, if they need to go on Medicaid, they cannot keep it if it is in their name, government rules you know.This is a lega...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
  Watching a Miracle Happen in the Fall Season of Miracles Miracles happen each and every day to all of us, sometimes we are just not looking or aware that we have just experienced a miracle.  Sometimes they are so subtle and they go unnoticed as we go about our day, and sometimes they are very apparent and we take notice. The other day I was with someone very special to me who is having a lot of life difficulty right now and it seems as though the world has and is crashing in all around her.  Her hope is so diminished and she carries herself in a small way, even though she is working hard at standing up tall and straight to face all that is before her, and things that are out of her control.  She has had her life turned upside down and inside out.I am going to preface this next part wi...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
THERE IS A NEW CAFE IN TOWN~ THE LOOP CAFE ~ WILSONVILLE, OREGON A new cafe in Wilsonville, the Loop Cafe, opened a short while ago on Town Center Loop featuring a breakfast and lunch menu.  We had lunch there today and it was very tasty and service was good.  A relaxing atmosphere with free Wi Fi, great coffees, food and pastry items.  A comfortable place to meet friends or have a small business meeting.  Check out the breakfast menu, looks inviting, so when looking for a breakfast or lunch menu with hometown goodness, give  The Loop Cafe a try. Pleasant Relaxing area to eat, talk or just enjoy a cup of joe
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
Baseballs' 107th World Series and WILSONVILLE RESIDENT LANCE LYNN ~ RELIEF PITCHER FOR ST. LOUIS CARDINALS Lance Lynn and his wife Lauren Grill (Tualatin High School softball star) call Wilsonville, Oregon their home.  Lance was drafted to the Cardinals in 2008 and made his Major League pitching debut in June.  During this season, this right-handed reliever has caught the attention of more than just local citizens of Wilsonville. He made a crucial appearance in Game 3, allowing only one run in 2 1/3 innings and throwing 47 pitches.  The Cardinals had a 1-7 victory in Texas with this effort.   Now for Game 7 ~ The 107th World Series   Take a look at this video We are proud to have Lance and his wife part of the Town of Wilsonville.  
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
ITS TOUGH OUT THERE FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS It is a tough business climate for the small business owner trying to make a living these days.  So much goes into making a business successful within a community, so many hoops to jump through, rules and regulations, financial decisions, marketing, business plan.  So many hoops especially if this is your first venture.  Money is tight for most Americans right now and spending has been curtailed in a big way for most people on a budget, trying to make ends meet. A lot of small businesses just don't make it even though the outlook was good in the beginning and in today's paper (October 21, 2011) this was the headline about two local Wilsonville business owners. "Wilsonville women say goodbye to home decor store, gathering place." The story by...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
FALLING INTO FALL and the Approaching Holiday Season I am a person of the Seasons, I enjoy all of the seasons as they come along, and I live in NW Oregon so I have the opportunity to see the seasons come and go.  Each season is always my favorite season at the time and now I am FALLING INTO FALL.  It is always a miracle to me when the colors begin to change from deep greens to varying shades of yellows, reds, orange, purple and all the in-between colors that please the eye. When the weather begins to get cooler and the nights crisper with hints of winter on its way, the trees begin to lose their hold on the deep green pigment known as Chlorophyll  and the feeling of Autumn is clearly in the air.  This month of October is always for me a month of transition to the Holiday Season, and of ...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
MY HUD FIRST EXPERIENCE ~ CHASING THE FEAR AWAY I have been in real estate off and on for a very long time and I just had my first experience with HUD since I got back in the industry 4 years ago.  Selling HUD homes just had not crossed my path until I was referred to a couple purchasing their first home.  One hears all kinds of things about foreclosures, short sales, HUD homes, and sometimes you just do not know what to believe.  Now I do. My clients have been the most delightful pair and keep themselves well informed and are not afraid to do research into a subject they are interested in.  They had done their "homework" on HUD homes and found one they were interested in.  The Realtor they called (a good friend of mine), called me and asked if I would show them the property and work wi...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
SEPTEMBER MOON The September Moon has been hanging around the past week in the night sky peering into our windows, brightening up not only the night sky but the neighborhood.   I took these photos experimenting with my camera on the night setting. I don't know how to really set the camera for the best photos but I thought these were interesting. When all photos were taken  Henry the Dog and I stood on our front porch  and peacefully watched the beauty of the   September Moon.          
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
Brenda is my first born daughter and she has always been a source of joy in my life.  She is gifted in so many ways and has always been wise beyond her years.  When she was just twenty years old, living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, she and I were talking on the phone just about life in general. The one thing that is remarkably burned into my memory is the statement that she made to me at the time.  She said, "Mom, you have been trying to find yourself for so long, and what you have not realized is that you have been there all along.  I have never forgotten.  She wrote me a letter right after that and dedicated the song "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler to me.  I don't think I have ever cried from my heart like I did that day, she wrote every word out in that letter.  This post ...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
SETTING THE MOODFor a peaceful, relaxing way to re-organize my space and me So yesterday afternoon, after a long and brisk walk in the park with our dog Henry and my husband, and after running a few errands that were deemed necessary, I decided that it was time.  Yes, time to re-organize and re-evaluate my desk and work space and a little of me.  It has been waiting for me since I did it last which was just a couple of months past.   I put a Norah Jones CD on, felt my shoulders go down and a peaceful feeling fill me up and I went to work.  It took me a while to get my space right but now it feels so darned good.   I even put an old photo of me on my desk background to remind me of the way I looked a while back (okay a longer while back) and a good incentive to get back to that weight, I...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
A COURSE OF CHANGE GETTING BACK TO WHERE I WANT AND NEED TO BE FOR A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE STEP ONE ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT     Okay, so my doctor who is probably the nicest doctor ever and does not say much about my weight usually, let me know with the "look" that my weight was up about 30 pounds over what was healthy for me.  OUCH !  Not that I did not know, not that I did not beat myself up on a regular basis for it, but now it was out in the open, in the doctor's office.  I have been thinking about this for quite a while and in the last 3 years have put those 30 pounds back on after I had successfully kept them off for a long time.  What happened, I keep asking myself and when will I get up and do something about it.  TODAY !  IT IS TODAY ! I had been in the health industry for appro...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
The Streets are getting more and more empty in my neighborhood ~ It's almost eerie When we moved into this neighborhood more than 16 years ago, the trees were small, our yard was almost devoid of plantings, our house was a blue gray and there were lots of very small children on our block and around the neighborhood.   Throughout the years, the trees grew and some were replaced, landscapes changed, some people moved, but most stayed here in the neighborhood.  The kids ran the neighborhood, first on skateboards, then motorized skateboards (okay, I don't know what they called them, they stood up and it was some sort of a scooter that was loud, oh so loud, and the kids whizzed down the street without a care).  The last five years I watched our granddaughter grow up through middle school an...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
OREGON STATE FAIR TIME NOW THROUGH SEPT 5, 2011 The Oregon State Fair is here once again in Salem, Oregon's Capital City.  There is a lot to do with many attractions happening all around you.  For instance, Big Shows with some of the biggest names in entertainment at the state Fair.  From classic rock, country to contemporary artists.                         There is something to do for everyone There are lots of competitions including 4-H and FFA.  4-H  is Head. Heart. Hands. Health.  Four small words that mean big things to 4-H members.  Fine Art, from watercolors to oils, sculptures, calligraphy, Oregon artists and their wonderful creativity.  Farm and Garden, take a look at all of the green thumbs and  Photography, some of Oregon's most gifted photographers. Lots to do and see, some...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
GETTING GROUNDED IN THE HORSE BARNS Yesterday I was presented with an opportunity I could not turn down.  A good friend of mine from my early teen years has three horses and invited me to come out to the horse barns and help her groom them.  I jumped at the chance as I love horses and have not had one since my two girls were young.  I have missed that part of my life. We drove to the barn about an hour away in Estacada, Oregon, beautiful countryside and horses everywhere.   When we arrived we brought them in from the pasture to the barn for grooming, but I had forgotten everything one has to do in order to do just that bring them in. Making sure gates are closed going in and then out and putting the halters on so you could lead them back to the barn. Making sure they do not get too clo...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
                              HOT AUGUST NIGHTSWe are having Hot August Nights here in Wilsonville, lazy dawg days of summer and return to school excitement.  It seems every where you go mothers are buying back to school supplies and clothing suitable for going back to school.  Kids are already on the fields practicing for football, soccer and many more sports.  The air is filled with excitement and a whirlwind of activity trying to get in as much as possible before the school bell actually rings on the first day.The long hot days of summer in August are coming to a close and the evenings are getting shorter, the wind is still and when it does move the warmth of it wraps itself around you.  Hot August Nights are here, so I went onto YouTube and found this video of Neil Diamond - Solitar...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
Get Ready, Get Set, Go WILSONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS  IS YOUR STUDENT INTERESTED?  NEED INFORMATION?   UPCOMING EVENTS ~ Fall Click on the link below for the webpage Athletic Registration ~ Fall Sports Clearance 2011 - 2012 School Year If you have not had the opportunity to register your student and even though this information is slightly late, my guess is that if you call or email Mike Henderson, Athletic Director, email: or  BJ Cerny, Athletic Secretary at 503-673-7607 email: They will be able to answer your questions and Help you get your student registered. All Sports SCHEDULES (Calendar), ROSTERS, and CONTEST RULES are posted on the NWOC website Northwest Oregon Conference _NWOC Sports Information    
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By Todd Clark - Retired, Principle Broker Oregon
(eXp Realty LLC)
I have to say I had a wonderful weekend living life like it was 1865! It was a party and I would gladly do it again! The only thing I think I would change is those beds! It seems in 1865 they didn’t have sleep number beds. This last weekend I got to spend the night in the log cabin on what seemed to be the hardest bed I’ve ever been on. But, still, I learned a lot about plants, trees and living without and I have to say I’m not sure I could live that way for very long.
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
  WILSONVILLE and WEST LINN SCHOOLS BEGIN SEPTEMBER 6 ~ ARE YOU READY? START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR INFORMATION Begin your school year off right with the right information If you are new to the West Linn-Wilsonville Schools, you can download the Bus Routes, Transition Documents, and Registration Form.  You can also give the school a call.  All of this information and more is within a click of your mouse button on the West Linn-Wilsonville School District Site above.  The school site also has the school and sports calendars so you may plan your own calendars.   Contact the schools if you have any questions that the website cannot answer to your satisfaction.     Students who finished school in West Linn - Wilsonville last school year, most of the schools will be sending home a Registration V...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
FRED MEYER GRAND OPENING ~ WILSONVILLE ~ SUCCESS ~ BUT CAN YOU GOOGLE THE PHONE NUMBER EASILY? PRICELESS I wrote a couple of blogs on the Grand Opening of Fred Meyer in Wilsonville, OR a few weeks back.  One of the blogs tracked the Old Town Square Shopping area as it was being built, and the other covered the Grand Opening itself.  Since then, I have had numerous phone calls regarding the New Fred Meyer Store.  People wanted to know if they had reached the NEW FRED MEYER STORE, well no, they got me instead. They went to Google and looked up Fred Meyer and came up with my blog on the grand opening.  They scrolled down the blog, found my cell number and called.  Who says Google does not work !  I had conversations with each and every one of them letting them know I am a Realtor and they ...
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By Mary Stewart, Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas
(HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone)
What does it all mean?         This is a question I have asked myself many times in many ways, and under many circumstances.  This is a question that can be applied to almost everything, from the gracious beauty of Mother Nature to the close friendships developed in  early childhood, to everlasting relationships of friends in the teen years onto adulthood.  What does it all mean can be applied to the relationships of husband and wife, mother and child, father and child, spiritual relationships and business relationships.  From neighborhood to neighborhood, business place to business place, client to client, business deal to business deal.  From the highest of courts in the land to the lowest courts in the land, from the cities to the country and beyond, from ocean to ocean and in-betwe...
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