Market Update for Estacada, Oregon September 2013
By Molly LeBlanc, 503-490-5229
(Elevate Realty Group NW by Keller Williams)
The Market Action Index has been trending lower for several weeks while prices have remained relatively stable. If inventory continues to grow relative to demand however, it is likely that we will see downward pressure on pricing. The market is currently in the Buyer's Advantage zone (below 30), though not strongly so. The 90-day Market Action Index stands this week at 23.68 so buyers should expect to find reasonable levels of selection. The market plateau is seen across the price and value. The price per square foot and median list price have both been reasonably stagnant. Watch the Market Action Index for persistent changes as a leading indicator before the market moves from these levels. If you would like an analysis on market trends in your area just contact me!