On a bluff in Bandon... a Kodak Moment
By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
In July of 2006 I was traveling through Oregon for work. I drove down from Seattle for a day in Roseburg then over to the coast to Coos Bay via Highway 42. What a beautiful drive it is through Tenmile, Camas Valley, over the mountains through Remote, then Myrtle Point, and Coquille. After my day in Coos Bay I’ll be off to Grants Pass and Medford. My friend and coworker Candis met me in Bandon that morning so I could visit the branch office. After the meeting we jumped into her car so she could show me some of the sites. I was on a pretty tight schedule so it was a whirlwind tour to be sure. I had never been to Bandon before then and I fell in love with it immediately. We drove along Jetty Road then through a small neighborhood to the end of the street. I jumped out of the car. We were h...