The Whitehouse needs more of this!!!
By Malcolm Johnston, Trenton Real Estate
(Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario)
The Canadian economy just got a huge boost this week. We will be recieving a free case of beer courtesy of President Obama. As you might know, there aren't very many things more important to Canadians than free beer. President Obama's (mostly Republican) critics are up in arms at this outrageous squandering of valuable American resources. "There are Americans in need of free beer" is an oft heard line in Washington these days. "Is this new President just going to GIVE this Country away?" muttered senator Stetson, the representative from the Great State of Northern Dakolina. The point is clear, in such tight economic times, with so many jobs being outsourced, and facing untold trillions of dollars of debt, the American economy must guard its resources like a pitbull with its bone.Aesthet...