Paper GPS
By Malcolm Johnston, Trenton Real Estate
(Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario)
My fancy iphone finally let me down. I was looking for a certain street on my iphone GPS application and it was nowhere to be found. I was stunned and I wasn't sure what to do. How was I going to meet a potential client when I couldn't even find his house? Surely there has to be some sort of backup system when you can't find the desired location on your GPS system. Lucky for me, there actually is a backup system for this particular problem. Perhaps you've never heard of it, so let me tell you about it. I suppose that some genius before me had encountered this very problem before and devised a solution. It's called a "Paper GPS" and it can be quite handy to have stored in your vehicle. Perhaps you might need two or three, depending on how many areas you might be driving through. They fi...