Okay, I am Canadian; therefore, am automatically painted with the "polite" brush. To get this out of the way, I am also bilingual. I speak two languages. The first is English. The second is Sarcasm. But I never speak my second language during business. Sarcasm can be perceived as being rude. As well, it can open doors to misunderstandings beyond belief if someone doesn't catch the "tone". Being blunt is also a form of being rude and should not be used in business. Rudeness closes doors. Even if you and a potential client don't agree at that point in time, anything can happen in that person's day, during the course of any day, to change his/her mind, where he/she might re-approach you and even tell you that you were right. BUT THAT WON'T HAPPEN IF YOU WERE RUDE. Aside from just ticking p...