Stuck For A Christmas Gift This Year??
By Malcolm Johnston, Trenton Real Estate
(Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario)
It's that time of the year again when most of us are reluctantly starting to think about Christmas, or more accurately, Christmas shopping. I'm sure that everybody has people who are difficult to shop for on their Christmas list. There are also people who we feel that we are obliged to buy presents for even though they probably don't need whatever it is we are going to end up buying for them. Personally, I don't need all the booze that gets given to me during the Christmas season. I couldn't possibly drink it all. I also am the proud owner of two nose hair trimmers. I suppose that I'm set for life in that department as well. One Christmas idea that I have really made use of over the last few years is the World Vision Gift Catalogue. I really like the idea because these gifts are valued ...