Chutnys is an Indian restaurant in the Crosswoods area just north of 270. The Crosswoods area is in the City of Columbus in the Worthington area. Chutnys is at 195 E. Campusview Blvd., Columbus OH 43235 - Map I wrote about Chutnys in March 2009. It seems longer ago than that. Crosswoods coming soon We finally ate at Chutnys last weekend. Chutnys is the site of my former favorite Central Ohio Indian restaurant, Tandoori Palace. Tandoori Palace is where I fell in love with Indian food locally. Sadly it closed after only a few years. Chutnys at Crosswoods - Food The sign at Chutnys says it is an "Authentic Indian Restaurant." The menu said they make northern and southern Indian dishes. We ate two dishes. A lamb dish and a vegetarian dish. The vegetarian dish is my old standby...