Harrison West Columbus Market Update April 2017
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 2 homes for sale in Harrison West Columbus Ohio. The Average list price for the Harrison West Columbus homes is $429,500 and the Average SQFT for the homes in Harrison West Columbus is 1,459 SQFT which comes to an Average of $429 per SQFT for Active homes for sale in Harrison West Columbus. The Average DOM for homes for sale in Harrison West Columbus is 32 and the Average property taxes for Harrison West Columbus homes that are currently Active for sale are $3,753 per year.As for homes currently in-contraact, there are currently 2 in-contract in Harrison West Columbus Ohio. The Average list price for the Harrison West Columbus homes in-contract is $319,000 and the Average SQFT for the homes in-contract in Harrison West Columbus is 2,043 SQFT which comes to an Average...