Centerville Ohio 45458 Patio Homes: Somerset
By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Centerville Ohio 45458 Patio Homes: Somerset Somerset offers Washington Township patio homes built by Gold Key Homes, and even includes some two story patio homes! That is unusual in the local patio home market. Gold Key has ALMOST finished Somerset, with only a couple of lots left for building. Located off Sheehan Road near Yankee Trace, this small pocket community offers approximately 80+ patio homes. Somerset provides access to I-75 via the Austin Blvd interchange, which is rapidly expanding and just added a Kroger's and Kohls. You can also access I-675 by heading north on SR48. And you're not far from Dayton Mall or Dorothy Lane Market either! Because Somerset is nothing but patio homes, your landscaping, mowing, mulching and snow shoveling are someone else's problem as part o...