What's happening at the Red Hook Library?
By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
At the Red Hook Library this Saturday June 4, 2011 at 1PM you can get a preview of some of the renovations occuring at the library. The library is such an important part of the community, so come participate in the discussion of the future direction of this institution. OTHER RED HOOK LIBRARY EVENTS IN JUNE June 11, 2011 World Wide Knit in Public Day To participate in this international event bring your chair and knitting supplies from 10AM to 3PM. Merchandise for sale from two local merchants - Fab Yarn and Hudson Valley Sheep and Wool Company. Free instruction on a simple project for beginners. Did you know a knitting group meets at the Red Hook Library weekly on Wednesday at 4PM? All you need is your knitting supplies to become a member of this group. June 12, 2011 Meet John T...