Red Hook Hardscrabble Day|Bicentennial Celebration September 22, 2012
By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
Red Hook Hardscrabble Day will be held this year on September 22nd in the Village of Red Hook; it is also a day when there will be a Puppet Show which is a part of the Red Hook Bicentennial celebration. The annual celebration in Red Hook brings the community together for fun. The Hardscrabble committee prepared a list of Hardscrabble Day events . As usual, there will be music, face painting, vendors showing their wares, animals to amuse the children, period reenactment, parades and so much more. Below are two videos from past events to give you an idea of how much fun it is. So make sure to attend the Red Hook Hardscrabble Day|Bicentennial Celebration on September 22, 2012