Did You Know There Are 5 Mountain Elements in Feng Shui?
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Did You Know There Are 5 Mountain Elements in Feng Shui? Tianzi Mountains, China. photo from boredpanda.comGoing deeper into the studies of Feng Shui, you will find the five elements theory goes beyond just the elements themselves. They will even expand into one another. An example of this is with Mountain (Earth) energy. There is a variety of Mountains all around the world and with each region they are fused with a combination of elements. Fire mountains (Mount Everest) which have angular peaks Earth mountains (Mount Conner, Australia,)- flat top Metal Mountains (Taro Elephant Mountain Kanchanaburi, Thailand)-rounded top Wood Mountain (Tianzi Mountains, China)-tall and narrowFun Fact: These are the mountain ranges that inspired Avatar's "floating mountain" movie scene. Water Mountain...