You Meet the People You are Supposed to Meet (Sometimes more than Once) Feng Shui Long Island, New York
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
I hate to blame the bearer of bad news; it’s really NOT fair. I’ve noticed lately that I’m beginning to dislike the arrival of my mailman. Since I have gotten out of the hospital, the bills have been coming faster then I can keep up. You would think they might let you get a bit WELL before they’d start sending these things. Funny with what I’m paying for an individual policy (over $800.00 per month); it amazes me what is NOT covered. Things that you wouldn’t know about, of course, unless you required a hospital stay. I will have to wonder if it should ever come up again if I can afford to go! And you also forget the occasional GOOD things you can receive. A hand-written card, for example. From someone you don’t know so you have to hunt for your glasses so you can see exactly what it is....