
New York, NY Real Estate News

By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  Go Green Eco-friendly Fashion Event in New York City on 11/9/14   A movement honoring environmental awareness, holistic living, and eco-friendly fashion; "Go Green Fashionista" MISSION is for patrons to be informed and inspired by holistic and cost effective habits in relations to the earth. For over 5 years, "Go Green Fashionista" has featured high fashion at it's smartest. Unique eco-friendly designers and green goddesses alike come together every year to celebrate and showcase the latest in green-savvy, head-turning fashion. Vintage stylists and eco fashion designers specialize in creating their collections using eco-friendly fabric and recycled materials.    With "Go Green Fashionista" becoming a household name in Miami, Florida, the decision to take the movement on a city tour wa...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Re post of Radio Interview with Laura Cerrano Feng Shui Expert Hello Podcast Fans, How many of you when you hear the name, Feng Shui think of interior design? Our guest today is Laura Cerrano whose modality is Feng Shui Healing. Those who are aware of Feng Shui, most think of this as "interior design", not as a healing modality. Laura opens up the world of Feng Shui and tells us of the many healing aspects of this work. One story is about a client who was told by medical doctors that she could not get pregnant and who, using aspects of Feng Shui to uncover emotional blockages, was able to disprove this diagnosis. Laura's mother introduced her to Feng Shui at the early age of 16 and employed this modality to help Laura, as a teenager to deal with her inner resistance over having been ado...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Hello Podcast Fans, How many of you when you hear the name, Feng Shui think of interior design? Our guest today is Laura Cerrano whose modality is Feng Shui Healing. Those who are aware of Feng Shui, most think of this as "interior design", not as a healing modality. Laura opens up the world of Feng Shui and tells us of the many healing aspects of this work. One story is about a client who was told by medical doctors that she could not get pregnant and who, using aspects of Feng Shui to uncover emotional blockages, was able to disprove this diagnosis. Laura's mother introduced her to Feng Shui at the early age of 16 and employed this modality to help Laura, as a teenager to deal with her inner resistance over having been adopted. During the interview Laura shares stories to help illustr...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui NYC Healing Consultations with Laura Cerrano     Welcome, my name is Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  I take a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui with a specialization in advanced Ba-gua Map readings and Feng Shui for Healing.  Feng Shui is a valuable investment into your lifestyle because the information shared with you will last a life time. It increases yourself awareness and confidence while also teaching you to become more in tune with your surroundings.  It is always said in Feng Shui that your home and work space become a metaphor of your life.  On a more practical level, the implementation of Feng Shui into residences, businesses, n...
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By Joanna Cohlan, Designing, Decorating & Staging Westchester Homes
(Fresh Eyes For Your Home)
 With scissors as his implement and painted paper as his medium - Matisse introduced a radically new form of art that came to be called a cut-out.  In the late 1940's, during the final decade of his life,  the cut outs reflect both a renewed commitment to form and color and an inventiveness towards the work of art -  a brilliant final chapter in Matisse's long career. Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs opened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York on October 12 and will be there until February 8, 2015.  This groundbreaking exhibit is the largest and most extensive presentation of the cut-outs ever mounted and shows Matisse's incredible vision and determination to create, despite working from a wheelchair because of debilitating illness.   Matisse worked directly on the walls of his studios in...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
I Am Not Comfortable Putting my Accomplishments on Display The area of the Ba-gua that I am referring to is called Fame, also known as reputation and the 'me wall.' I try to make it very clear with my clients that putting diplomas, awards, or other accomplishments on display is not about being arrogant. And it's not about filling an entire wall full of accomplishments, unless that is what you wish. Keep the implementation of this energy source simple. I suggest to have at least one item in your home or office that literally demonstrates an achievement in your life.  It could be as simple as your business card if you feel that has been an achievement, which I say is. It's no easy task to run a business and to stay driven and focused. Some clients will use symbolism through imagery or obj...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
 Go Green Eco-friendly Fashion Event in Manhattan November 9th, 2014   A movement honoring environmental awareness, holistic living, and eco-friendly fashion; "Go Green Fashionista" MISSION is for patrons to be informed and inspired by holistic and cost effective habits in relations to the earth. For over 5 years, "Go Green Fashionista" has featured high fashion at it's smartest. Unique eco-friendly designers and green goddesses alike come together every year to celebrate and showcase the latest in green-savvy, head-turning fashion. Vintage stylists and eco fashion designers specialize in creating their collections using eco-friendly fabric and recycled materials.    With "Go Green Fashionista" becoming a household name in Miami, Florida, the decision to take the movement on a city tour...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Your Perception Creates Your Reality How many of us have fallen into situations that at first we perceive as being so stressful, yet we soon come to realize, it's not that bad after all. It's human nature to do this and one of the targeted goals when implementing Feng Shui into your lifestyle is to help transform your perception. By doing that, you regain confidence, let go of un necessary stress, and problem solving becomes easier. These are also teachings from Daoism and Taoism practices. Learn to respond vs react and let go of assumptions. A huge stress factor is, many of us like to Assume outcomes before they even happen. By doing that, we set into motion that perception which could then manifest into your reality because that is what you believe. This is when you hear people talk a...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
   Go Green Eco-freindly Fashion Event in NYC Novebmer 9th, 2014   A movement honoring environmental awareness, holistic living, and eco-friendly fashion; "Go Green Fashionista" MISSION is for patrons to be informed and inspired by holistic and cost effective habits in relations to the earth. For over 5 years, "Go Green Fashionista" has featured high fashion at it's smartest. Unique eco-friendly designers and green goddesses alike come together every year to celebrate and showcase the latest in green-savvy, head-turning fashion. Vintage stylists and eco fashion designers specialize in creating their collections using eco-friendly fabric and recycled materials.    With "Go Green Fashionista" becoming a household name in Miami, Florida, the decision to take the movement on a city tour was...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
What is a Great Feng Shui Plant that is Easy to Care for?   I met with Horticulturist Expert Philip Sinagra, who provides Horticultural services for Private and Corporate Companies thorough out the greater New York area. We had a fascinating conversation about the different species of plants, how to care for them, and sharing insights into the benefits of  incorporating plants into our homes and offices. Incorporating plants into your working and living space is a huge Feng Shui principle.  I asked Philip, if he could name one of the best plants to have in our home or office, while taking into consideration the round and curved leaved principle of Feng Shui, what would it be? Without hesitation, this was his response to me. 'Throughout my 25 years of being a Horticulturist I've been ask...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui and Creative Expression Expressing yourself creativity is one of the most powerful ways to enhance the vitality of energy flowing though your home and life. By engaging in these activities, you ignite joy, enthusiasm, participation and the love for life. As your Local, National and International Feng Shui Expert, I happily invite you to sing, dance, paint, play music, build create, and simply HAVE FUN. When we are creating and having fun, spirit is thriving.
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
The Law of Attraction Those who are introduced into the world of Metaphysical science, Spirituality, meditation, what ever term you choose to use originates from the Mystery School teachings. One of the most popular laws from this ancient school is called The Law of Attraction. This law simply says to focus on what you need. That focus will create a vibration of attraction towards you, putting in place events, people, and situations that will give you the opportunity to learn and grow, thus putting you in alignment with your life's purpose.   This is one of the fundamental principles in Feng Shui and easiest one to put into practice right away. A method to help clients and people in general become more comfortable with this way of thinking is by creating a vision board. This is a starti...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Building Meaningful Relationships Life is built upon the relationships that you have with yourself and others each and every day.  They help you connect on so many levels, let that be to increase your business, enhance your love life or connect with family better.  A strong relationship could be perceived as understanding the principles of giving and receiving. “Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give.” Ben Carson   When two people for example are in a harmonious state of giving and receiving,  it flows naturally.  Your heart opens up tremendously, you have un doubt-able trust and faith in one another.  There are no restrictions, expectations or a feeling of threat in any way.  Yet when one or both people feel as if he or she is not receiving what they are givin...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Here is What Some of My Clients Have to Say about Feng Shui Manhattan 'Laura Cerrano with Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island was an amazing addition to our event. Her presentation kept our guests interested and left them wanting more. She answered questions about Feng Shui thoughtfully and informatively. Our guests were raving about her unique stories, specifically the story about a women who overcame cancer with the assisted healing power of Feng Shui. Wow!' Testimonial from the New York Athletic Club, 180 Central Park South, New York, New York 10019 Manya Maier Special Events and Catering Coordinator   'Thanks again for today's session. I feel as if I'm already focused back on the path to centering myself again and look forward to embracing the process with you and the tools you suggest ...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Allowing Yourself a Moment within Your Day of Rejuvenation This week has been extremely busy with productivity, activity, client and networking meetings, as many of us expreince. Before heading to my lecture venue I was texting a close friend on the trainride sharing my thoughts with her about how I needed a break, a moment to breath. Well that opportunity presented it self because my lecture venue was literally across the street from central park. I took advantage of this moment. I bought a bottle of water, walked over the to grass, found a spot, took off my shoes and shocks and layed there for 45minutes looking up at the clouds and trees. It was a moment of rejuvenation. I hear time and time again people say I don't have time for x, y z. If it's important you will make time and grab t...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Help Lesson the Aggression with Feng Shui Red room overpowered with red. Some may like this yet in general Feng Shui calls for a balance in presentation.   Can you help shift the energy of an aggressive person using the principles of Feng Shui with simple tactics throughout your home. I had one client where she expressed her children acting out, short tempered, etc. I suggested based on the Feng Shui principles, that she lesson the amount of red in her home. Red is a very powerful color, yet as with anything, too much of it can create an imbalance. Red is a stimulating color, take a look at boxing matches or sporting events, even inside gyms. That color has been placed there on purpose to reeve up one's energy sub-consciously and consciously.  bedroom with a touch of red to stimulate vs...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Practical In-depth Feng Shui Consultations with Laura Cerrano Welcome, my name is Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  I take a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui with a specialization in advanced Ba-gua Map readings and Feng Shui for Healing.  Feng Shui is a valuable investment into your lifestyle because the information shared with you will last a life time. It increases yourself awareness and confidence while also teaching you to become more in tune with your surroundings.  It is always said in Feng Shui that your home and work space become a metaphor of your life.  On a more practical level, the implementation of Feng Shui into residences, businesse...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
STOP Playing Games with Other People's Emotions. Period. I have a new client who is in her early 40's looking to enhance her partnership area of her life, mainly from an emotional standpoint. For years she has been having a challenging time dating. Looking around her home it seemed she had key recommendations of the Feng Shui principles in place to address partnership energy. Yet as we chatted it become a clearer as to why my client has been struggling. In a nut shell, she kept playing games with these gentlemen who would reach out to her. Not responding in a timely fashion or ignoring their messaging. I told my client, plain and simple, STOP Playing Games with Other Peoples Emotions. Period. When you do that, you are simply playing games with yourself. Now who would want to date someon...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
New York Feng Shui Healing Consultations with Laura Cerrano  Welcome, my name is Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  I take a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui with a specialization in practical-advanced Ba-gua Map Readings and Feng Shui Ascension Techniques.  Feng Shui is a valuable addition to your lifestyle because it increases your self awareness and self confidence while also teaching you to become more in tune with your surroundings.  It is always said in Feng Shui that your home and work space become a metaphor of your life.  On a more practical level, the implementation of Feng Shui into residences, businesses, new construction projects, commu...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui for Healing Consultations with Laura Cerrano  Welcome, my name is Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  I take a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui with a specialization in practical-advanced Ba-gua Map Readings and Feng Shui Ascension Techniques.  Feng Shui is a valuable addition to your lifestyle because it increases your self awareness and self confidence while also teaching you to become more in tune with your surroundings.  It is always said in Feng Shui that your home and work space become a metaphor of your life.  On a more practical level, the implementation of Feng Shui into residences, businesses, new construction projects, community d...
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