
New York, NY Real Estate News

By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui Question Email: Hello: Just read your post about mirrors. I live in a hi-rise and I removed a fabulous hollywood regency mirror because it was reflecting the view of my neighbors terraces. I want to hang it where it reflects the view of the Art Museum and city skyline but want to know do mirrors always need a table or shelf under them? I want to hang it low on the wall perpendicular to a wall of floor to ceiling glass. What say you? Signed, PA Feng Shui Answer: One of the main rules of mirrors is to be mindful of what they reflect because that energy will double. The reflection will also be brought into your home. If that reflection is going to bring a feeling of happiness then do that. Sometimes could be recommend to frame the mirror if that is possible or just allow it to fr...
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By Olga Simoncelli, CONSULTANT, Real Estate Services & Risk Management
(Veritas Prime, LLC dba Veritas Prime Real Estate)
New York Boat Show 2015 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show,  October 2014   This year the traditional New York Boat Show is scheduled to run from January 21st through January 25th. Whether you plan to buy a boat, or simply to browse, it's an event not to miss! Below is the complete schedule:   Wednesday, January 21 – 12pm to 9pm Thursday, January 22 –  12pm to 9pm Friday, January 23 -12pm to 9pm Saturday, January 24 - 10am to 9pm Sunday, January 25 - 10am to 6pm   TICKET INFORMATION: Adults (16 and older): $15 15 and younger: FREE when accompanied by an adult. Group discounts are available as well.   LOCATION: Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 655 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001. Main Entrance: Eleventh Avenue at 35th Street. Telephone: 212- 216-2000.   SOME OF THE FEATURED EVENTS:   Antiqu...
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By Ted Cantu
(i Cantu Media LTD)
When the TV show, "Selling New York" debut back in 2010 I was intrigued. It was a very informative show and gave us a glimpse into high power deals and a chance to meet some of the personalities. There was one episode in particular where one of the agents called in the "promotion" department to do some marketing. I thought we might see some insight here on what the process might be to get in front of some high rollers. That would be great TV. Instead, some guy walks in with a digital camera and starts taking pictures. He moved some furniture around and took a couple of snaps and that was it. She thanks him and he scoots off and before he hits the door she says, "Make sure you throw those on our website."Wow.....  That was it. Now I remember thinking at the time that I needed to get over...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Gift Certificates for Feng Shui Home and Business Consultations with Laura Cerrano      Looking for a unique gift to give your family member, friend or even co-worker?  A Full Feng Shui Consultation or Assessment is a great option! Giving someone the opportunity to re-focus their energy and create a deep and profound connection with their surroundings and self can help inspire them to shift their life in a more positive direction. Learn practical techniques on how to maintain that motivation, thrive and drive for life.   Your Feng Shui gifted session will be presented by Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  She takes a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui ...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
    Order Your Holiday Feng Shui Gift Certificates with Laura Cerrano     Looking for a unique gift to give your family member, friend or even co-worker?  A Full Feng Shui Consultation or Assessment is a great option! Giving someone the opportunity to re-focus their energy and create a deep and profound connection with their surroundings and self can help inspire them to shift their life in a more positive direction. Learn practical techniques on how to maintain that motivation, thrive and drive for life.   Your Feng Shui gifted session will be presented by Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  She takes a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui with various h...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui Tips to Help Manifest Your Dream Man     Be sure to revisit the basic suggestions. Such as with de cluttering past objects, messages, items and notes. By partaking in this action (if or when you are ready to test this suggestion out) it symbolizes you letting go of items that link you backwards rather. The intention is to create room mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically to experience current moments of connections. How you arrange your home when addressing any intention with Feng Shui becomes a metaphor with the goals you are setting. And in this case, it is with the dream man you are manifesting.      Try and be mindful of the thoughts and words you use when in the process of manifesting your dream man.   This means, if you refer to men as "a-holes," players, jer...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  It's Too Challenging To Implement A New Program on a Consistent Basis My last post, "Change the Program If You Want a Better Life" is about challenging our "old" way of thinking and view of self and offering a chance of reflection into the programs that run our lives. The formula provided is simple and it does require an agreement of time, dedication and patience on our part to follow through. Again, their are unlimited amounts of formulas, that was just one.    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford   You may feel it's too challenging to implement a new program on a consistent basis.  That is true if you think you can't.   You may feel it's too challenging to implement a new program on a consistent basis, yet you are willing to try and make th...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  Feng Shui Tips for the Ladies to Help Spice Up Their Bedroom Energy I wrote a post about Feng Shui for the Single Man Looking to Atract a Great Partner.  Feng Shui For this post I wanted to share 3 Spicy Feng Shui Tips for the ladies on how to spice up your love life in the bedroom.  Naturally before engaging in such activities, be sure you are in a healthy relationship and always be safe.    1. Do not be afraid to take control. Sometimes you may want to be submissive, yet other times It can be great fun surprising him (and yourself) when you take control and make the first move and it's pretty empowering.   2. Tap into that lioness from within. Yes, it's been a long day and you may feel tired, yet try not to always immediately don your sweats and a t-shirt. Instead, put on a sexy, si...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  What some of my Clients Have to Share about Feng Shui Manhattan...   "Laura,Thanks very much...a quick read and again am inspired;  I'll print and review more thoroughly, along with the previous segments for an overall picture again. You've enabled me to see through the cobwebs and begin to clear the path towards greater enlightenment.  You once mentioned that even you at times need to be guided back to what you know.  I thank you for being that guide for me.  Once my apartment is done I hope to send you some photos of this Feng Shui in practice." Julia, New York
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  Newton’s Laws of Motion “An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force.” What does this mean? It expresses in order for us to keep ascending we need to eliminate all negative external forces to remain in constant motion. We do not have time to waste. How does Newton’s Law of Motion relate to Feng Shui? Feng Shui principles talk about removing blockages (also known as distractions, misdirection, energy vampires, unnecessary drama, etc). It's vital you surround yourself with people, environments and events that fill your spirit with supportive energy that adds value to your life. The Law of Attraction states “What you seek, will seek you.”  
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Signs to Help Guide You   Learning to recognize the signs sent to you with regards in how to make proper decisions, how to avoid situations that are not in your best and highest interest, or even following through with those repetitive ideas that pop into your head are all creates steps that get you closer to achieving your goals.  Some may use numerology, Feng Shui, alchemy teachings, your own culture,  Astrology or Native American beliefs, etc. Take charge of what you decide to utilize and are comfortable implementing.  When you pay attention to the signs, the world becomes that much easier to navigate and your guidance in life can be any form of metaphysical practice or religion, it’s what works for you.
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
3 Fast Feng Shui Tips to Welcome Nature Into Your Home   1. Bring natural healthy plants into your home. Try to get a variety. FengShui suggests plants that are rounded or curved leaves for stronger energy flow. 2. Use your judgment for this suggestion with weather and/or allergies. Open your windows regularly to let fresh air though your home. This is particularly good when you are performing any kind of clearing. This will allow you to mix fresh energy. 3. Open up your blinds to allow natural light to filter into your home. This welcomes in natural healing energy given off by the sun.  
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
 Here's a Simple way to Test the Energy within your Home for Pet Lovers Young Miss Feng Shui with her sidekick, Skylar Ever pay attention to the activity level of your pets? Or perhaps you notice how they focus in on one area within your home. That is your pet indicating the type of energy circulating around your space. Just as with children, they have no barrier or filter, they see what they see, feel what they feel, and respond accordingly. I noticed after mom passed away in 2010, our home became very still, very heavy in energy and uncomfortable. Naturally many transitions were taking place mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  My pup Skylar responded to that shift in energy withing the home by not eating and playing. He seemed to just sleep the days away, which was wha...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Metaphysical Festivals on Long Island and New York City Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location for Long Island NY is at the Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville NY “The Annual Eyes of Learning Fall Festival” Please join us for the Eyes of Learning’s most popular event. It’s our Fall Festival!!! With wonderful raffles, vendors, free lectures, food, camaraderie and the option to purchase your own psychic reading, ho would want to miss this important, uplifting and fun event? Spend a day with “like minded individuals” and make some new friends! A day not to be missed.   The festival is a major source of our operating revenue thanks to the many volunteers and psychics who generously give of their time and talents to keep our regularly scheduled lectures and work...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui recommended Weekend Read - Rocky Spirit by Felice Cantatore It is often said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Rocky Spirit is a 15-round true story about a journey to personal success. It was motivated by a special photograph of spiritual energy captured on film. The picture became a “million-to-one shot” and the motivation to share this astonishing memoir about an everyday man and his desire to go the distance.   The author, Felice Cantatore is a native New Yorker and an Italian American. He has more than two decades of media experience in the radio and newspaper industries. Cantatore penned a 2006 cover story for the Long Island Press newspaper titled “On the Set of Rocky Balboa,” which earned him a Press Club of Long Island (PCLI) First-Place journalism award for...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Taoist Proverb- Light in A Soul   When there is light in the soul There is beauty in the person;   When there is beauty in the person there is harmony in the home;   When there is harmony in the home There is order in the nation;   When there is order in the nation There will be Peace in the WORLD.
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
6 Minute Feng Shui - Introduction to the Ba-gua Map by Laura Cerrano Welcome, my name is Laura Cerrano CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island a family owned and operated consulting firm founded in 1997.  I take a multi-dimensional approach which cohesively blends several methods of Feng Shui with a specialization in advanced Ba-gua Map readings (Eight Aspirations Theory), Bon Buddhist Tradition, and Feng Shui for Healing. The information provided with these videos are generalized. They offer a introduction to the various forms of Feng Shui. If you are looking for more tailored suggestions, it's strongly recommended you schedule at personalized consultation for each person's life situation, goals and challenges are unique to them. Today's video covers a very simple six minute...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Go Green Eco-friendly Fashion Event in Manhattan NY on 11/9/14   A movement honoring environmental awareness, holistic living, and eco-friendly fashion; "Go Green Fashionista" MISSION is for patrons to be informed and inspired by holistic and cost effective habits in relations to the earth. For over 5 years, "Go Green Fashionista" has featured high fashion at it's smartest. Unique eco-friendly designers and green goddesses alike come together every year to celebrate and showcase the latest in green-savvy, head-turning fashion. Vintage stylists and eco fashion designers specialize in creating their collections using eco-friendly fabric and recycled materials.    With "Go Green Fashionista" becoming a household name in Miami, Florida, the decision to take the movement on a city tour was ...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Multifunctional Furniture for NYC Studio Apartments Living in Manhattan or really any urban setting can sometimes be a bit tricky when arranging furniture. It requires a touch of vision and creativity. I was out browsing a local store and this piece of furniture caught my attention. It may not be the most prettiest piece yet it is practical, functional and offers a foundation of an idea to build from.  When collaborating with clients in NYC, many times they will want to keep a desk in the bedroom. Based on the Feng Shui principles that is not always ideal for we encourage keeping work life separated from sleep life. Yet, if due to limited space that and that is not an option, then the next suggestion is to try and conceal your desk/work energy and blend it into the bedroom decor if poss...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
It's that Time Again In New York City-The Village Parade for Holloween photo courtesy of hundreds of PUPPETS, 53 BANDS of Different Types of Music, DANCERS and ARTISTS, and thousands of other New Yorkers in costumes of their own creation in …the nation’s most wildly creative public participatory event in the greatest city in the world!   Every year, the procession through Greenwich Village has been headed by an ever-changing menagerie of Giant Puppets and Special Costumed Performances. This entourage provides the kernel of inspiration around which the creative energies of the other 50,000 Parade participants. The artists and technicians responsible for these puppets work throughout the Summer and Fall in many locations around the Greater New York Ci...
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