Lacking permit or certificate of occupancy can cause major problems
By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
Over the years I have experienced various situations where major and minor problems in which the lack of COs (certificate of occupancy) delayed or even lost deals. The problem is every time you perform an upgrade or improvement, you need to determine do you need a permit.Some will have done things 10, 20, or even 30 years ago, with or without a permit, but without finalizing the process and not realizing the future ramifications when it comes to selling their home. Let’s face it. We don’t want to pay any more real estate taxes than we already pay, so adding space or any other item that might increase them without a permit or a final CO is the reason we do it.I can understand and sympathize with everyone who takes that route as we are being over-taxed, especially today. But it can com...