
Great Neck, NY Real Estate News

By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
Our Global Committee had an excellent networking and celebration on February 12, 2024, for the Lunar New Year, Year of the Dragon event @LOL Barbecue 66 Middle Neck Rd Great Neck NY  11021 (516) 708-1682.  This was the first time that I had ever eaten Korean Cuisine and was curious as to the different tastes and delicacies that they would offer.   It was set up to be a smorgasbord self-serve-styled venue.  What I discovered was so very tasty and well-presented cuisine.  The barbecue ribs, which I found out is what Korean food is known for as a specialty, were supreme.  The meat just rolled off the bone, just like excellent barbecue ribs.  There was the spicy and delicious string beans with some amazing sauce, that I couldn't get enough of.  They also had a popcorn-type chicken dish that...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
Part 2This is the second part of the column on my 2015 search as a Nassau County Realtor for a summer rental for a mystery client who wanted what at first appeared to be the impossible — a tub in the master bathroom.We kept looking high and low for that special place to call home for our well-heeled client and nothing was going to stop me.  In the meantime, our MLS auto-prospect search would identify any new listings regularly that would meet the criteria and would immediately send them out to the associate.In addition, my assistant Gloria literally made a multitude of calls to other offices, brokers, associate brokers, and agents over three weeks to see if they had any pocket listings that they would consider sharing that were not listed on the MLS system.  We kept striking out every d...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
Part IOn June 3, 2015, I received a call from a gentleman who was inquiring about assisting him in tracking down a rental for August for his client. His client was coming to New York for a project he was involved with, but he was clandestine and very secretive about the project. I thought maybe this was something illegal or possibly something dealing with the stock market or a financial project.Maybe it was like one of these Nigerian scams, where they have $20 million that they want you to deposit and I would get paid a percentage.  But then again, this person’s client was going to be living somewhere on Long Island, so I figured this wasn’t one of those scams, but I needed more of an explanation to understand the specifics.He continued to describe what his client needed.  A home, prefe...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
14Shares  Share  Tweet  Pin  Email  Share Guess when and how many interest rate reductions will Fed Chair Jerome Powell do in 2024. Whoever answers correctly will receive dinner with me and my wife on Long Island or NYC (assuming she wants to go, lol) and a special surprise bonus! If there are multiple individuals with the correct answers, then there will be a run-off. The final drawing will be held in the last week of December 2024. Send your answers to Phil@TurnKeyRealEstate.Com                                    Have you jumped back on the fence with interest rates contributing to and creating an unaffordable environment?  You are not alone in this unfortunate circumstance where so many consumers have been stuck. More important is the lack of choices in our historic low inventory di...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
You did your search and traveled to a multitude of homes to find your “next place to call home.” Finally, after almost 6 months and 500+ miles, you settled on your first home, a 3 bedroom and 1 ½ bath place.  You went through and performed all of your negotiations, through the haggling, stressful, and tense moments; treading lightly on eggshells, and doing whatever was necessary and required that you had to do (of course legally, lol) to have an agreed and accepted price.  However, you’re somewhat happy but not ecstatic with your broker, as they weren’t really at the “top of their game” when it came to all the details and minutiae.  Then you ordered your inspection and had it completed. In the meantime, you still haven’t hired an attorney and are asking your broker or salesperson for su...
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By Lawrence "Larry" & Sheila Agranoff. Cell: 631-805-4400, Long Island Condo and Home Specialists
(The Top Team @ Charles Rutenberg Realty 255 Executive Dr, Plainview NY 11803)
GREAT NECK LONG ISLAND HOME SOLD!Lawrence & Sheila Agranoff REALTORS®, SOLD this Great Neck Long Island Vintage Colonial home in Nassau County New York,  and we can SELL yours too!We Listed It! We Showed It! We SOLD It! Lawrence & Sheila Agranoff Cell: 631-805-4400WE SELL LONG ISLAND REAL ESTATE ~ Let's Connect To Sell Yours Too!
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
If you are a seller, investor, purchaser, or even potential tenant, are you being properly advised and educated sufficiently enough, or seeking out someone to consult you about the current challenging market? Do you know enough about how to strategize and position yourself as a seller? If an investor, are you doing your due diligence when looking and finding a quality property and knowing the short and long-term R.O.I.? As a purchaser who has dropped out for a multitude of reasons, have you thought outside the box and your need and desire for creative and cutting-edge ways to keep you in the market? Even if you are looking for a rental, are you open to learning how you might potentially be in a position to purchase by listening and learning various strategies and methods of ways that y...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
    Home Business All Things Real Estate: Protecting your home while there or away is... Business All Things Real Estate: Protecting your home while there or away is critical By Philip A Raices- January 7, 2024 0   As I am writing this past week’s column our first snow of the winter is happening, hooray! Now that our weather is getting a bit colder as winter should be, I think back to 15-20 years ago when I was showing clients some homes on the North Shore of Long Island. It had been extremely frigid during that week. We approached the home and opened the screen door and with my very acute hearing, I heard something that I always feared and dreaded during the winter season, the unfortunate gushing sound of water inside someone’s home. As I opened the door it was the shock of seeing it ...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
     Phil's Home News   Philip A. Raices Turn Key Real Estate 516-647-4289 Cell 516-829-2205 Office Fax eFax Coming Soon! www.Li-RealEstate.Com   Phil@TurnKeyRealEstate.ComNYS License # 31RA0874656 NYS Corporate License # 109909392 Quick Quiz Each month I'll give you a new question.Just reply to this email for the answer.When was The Beatles first album recorded? Reply to this email Ask the Agent What Is a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)? A real estate agent prepares a comparative market analysis (CMA) report for a buyer or seller, to determine the estimated value of a home. The report evaluates three or more sold properties that most closely proximate the characteristics of the home that is being valued Homes that have sold within the past six months will contribute to giving the bes...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
ht     Phil's Home News The purpose of this uplifting newsletter is to provide you with a change of scenery through heartwarming stories, and insightful advice as well as give you a smile for a few minutes. I hope you enjoy!If you know of any local families or organizations that are especially in need at this time, please give me a call or reply to this email. I will do my best to spread the word!   Philip A. Raices Turn Key Real Estate 516-647-4289 Cell 516-829-2205 Office Fax eFax Coming Soon! www.Li-RealEstate.Com   Phil@TurnKeyRealEstate.ComNYS License # 31RA0874656 NYS Corporate License # 109909392 Links You Can Use Now Boosting Creativity January is International Creativity Month, which means we’re looking at all the ways boosting your creativity works wonders for work and play. H...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
Many of our clients are having challenging times finding a home that fits their specific “needs and wants.”The lack of available inventory is the greatest problem for those who are seriously searching and are qualified to buy.  For those who either need to sell or want to sell, the fear of not finding their “next place to call home” is one of the main reasons for not listing.I have experienced this exact situation as a broker with one particular family that although their place is listed, will not close until they find their next domicile beforehand.This has caused buyers not to consider their place.  Of course, current interest rates are an additional and important factor for many others not being able to purchase; even though rates are down over 1% since October.However, prices are st...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
It was challenging, impossible, and difficult for buyers and renters.  Mortgage rates being as high as they were with 11 increases over 18 months have caused a lot of pain and disruptions to so many looking for their first place to call home.Its severity affected a good portion of purchasers who had less than stellar opportunities whether it was from battling a bidding war environment not seen before; as well as a lack of choices from a historically diminished low inventory.Due to these bidding war situations, prices kept escalating in this artificially created atmosphere with fear of missing out rearing its ugly head for those who became way too emotional in the buying process; as if it was the end of the world if they didn’t get something.Due to this untenable situation, this inevitab...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
Right now for some everything looks rosy.  Home prices, although not increasing at the same excessive pace, are still going up on Long Island.  But in other locations around the U.S., prices have moderated, especially where much of the new construction has occurred.But for a majority of others, things may look downright challenging and dismal with our national debt at $32 trillion, credit card debt increasing to a stifling level month after month, and student debt of $1.77 trillion owed by 45.3 million borrowers, down from 45.4 million students in the second quarter of 2021.  But 0.63% of student loans were 90 days or more delinquent as of the second quarter of 2023, down from 4.55% in the second quarter of 2022.President Biden tried his best to assist in a small way by allowing $10,000...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
I have been sitting back, and not doing a huge amount of business lately.  However,  I have been enjoying my kids and grandchildren.  Having a 9 1/2, 7 1/2, 2 1/2, and finally a grandson via my daughter-in-law and my son in March 2024, our name will continue for hopefully another 80+ years into the future. I have been focusing more on building my "memories" bank account as opposed to my financial bank account.  Many of us are in the fall and late fall of our lives and as we all know, none of us are getting out alive!  So outside of money and possessions, which we will not be taking with us, what else is there?  Happy times, memories and even "not so good" times to be remembered and hopefully with our good soul, that we will take with us when all is said and done! Over a lifetime, there ...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
I have been practicing and performing real estate for over 42 years. My first purchase was in 1977, a small home of about 1200 sq. ft that we resided in on North Road in the north section of Great Neck.The second property we purchased was a 2-family on Steamboat Road in 1981.Although we sold both properties and moved on to other investments, I can still remember how easy and simple it was back then, to be able to apply for a mortgage. Both were with Emigrant Savings and Loan, which is no longer in business.Our second loan was completed mostly by phone (by house phone that is).This is in stark comparison to “jumping through hoops” today with the massive amount of paperwork.  I imagine one day the lenders just might ask what brand of toilet paper that we use, LOL.  I guess they are just d...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
I may be 2 days early, but I want to wish all our Active Rain members and their families and friends a wonderfully Healthy, Happy, and enjoyable Thanksgiving.We don't know what we have to be thankful for until one sees and realizes what chaos is occuring here and around the globe, The Ukraine, Israel and other areas and the unfortunate collateral death and destruction that is happening.Hopefully, one day the human race as a whole will wake up and smell the coffee and learn how to communicate peacefully, respect each other and stop the killing and try to "Live and Let Live."
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
I just returned from last week’s NAR Convention and my Global Business and Alliance Committee meetings in Anaheim, CA.  It doesn’t matter how many years you may be involved in the industry, there is always something to learn and absorb as well as refreshing one’s knowledge to clear out the cobwebs and go over information and topics pertinent to your business.With the advancement of new technology and applications, especially with the assistance of AI, this will have a major impact on all facets of life, especially business.  Simplifying one’s daily routine with the use of cutting-edge applications along with old-fashioned service and keeping in contact with clients on a regular basis allows one to do business in a much more streamlined and efficient manner.Participating in NAR Conventio...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
As we grow older, challenges await us that some will prepare for but so many will not.  Staying healthy and active should be tantamount in everyone’s mind to be able to stay in place.But as studies and statistics have shown the U.S. is the most unhealthy, obese, and overweight country on the face of the globe.  Being the wealthiest and most powerful nation, or I say the “Great-EST Society” that there has ever been, somehow doesn’t match up to our current physical condition compared to other European and Asian nations.It’s similar to looking at an individual who may appear to look healthy from the outside, but inside there are major issues that apparently we know about, but unfortunately do nothing to alleviate those conditions.Many would prefer to be independent and stay in their homes....
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
We still have the largest economy on the globe and are still the Promised Land for the immigrants who desire to come here legally, whether for education, jobs or just to relocate permanently.  However, we also have a very serious illegal immigration problem and it is not being addressed in the proper fashion as both parties are at loggerheads in how to resolve and deal with the issues.The people who are able to immigrate here see the vast array of possibilities and opportunities that they cannot obtain sufficiently in their own countries.  Our doors seem to be always open for those who have the money and capabilities to invest in a vast pool of quality real estate, whether they are residential or commercial.The 2023 Profile of International Transactions in U.S. Residential Real Estate w...
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By Philip A. Raices, 1 of the Most Knowledgeable Brokers on the Net!
(Turn Key Real Estate)
There are a multitude of reasons for moving.  From what my clients tell me and what I have read, it is to downsize and lower the overall cost of living.  Some want to be closer to their children and grandchildren.  Some don’t want to deal with the regular interior and exterior maintenance of owning a house.Others want to reduce their responsibilities and when going on vacation, want to turn the key to their apartment and just leave and not worry about roof leaks, broken pipes, or anything else involved in the upkeep of a home. Dealing with snow that may or may not happen this winter is a factor as well as the high cost of heating bills.Some will absolutely have to move due to health issues, finances, loss of job, or business failures.  In this situation, the possibility of foreclosure m...
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