Will Las Vegas Cash Buyers Pull Us Out of the Weeds?
By Renée Donohue~Home Photography, Western Michigan Real Estate Photographer
(Savvy Home Pix)
While I don't think this is close to over, I do believe that we may quite possibly have seen the worst of days as we cycle through Las Vegas Area Foreclosures! One trend that pushed me to an AHA (!) moment the other night as I comb through this market in a frustrating manner, is the ALL CASH TRANSACTION. A majority of our defaults are strategic defaults. Let's not kid ourselves here. A majority of homeowners are not losing their homes due to hardship or economic circumstances but rather they are annoyed (to put it mildly) that their homes have lost so much value. I am frustrated every time over the past three years that we are pushed into a new year of defaults. I am now seeing defaults from homes purchased in 2008. I do believe we may see some light at the end of the tunnel with thi...