Safety issues outside the home. More than just a fleeting thought.
By Clint Mckie, Desert Sun Home, Comm. Inspection 1-575-706-5586
(Desert Sun Home, commercial Inspections)
Safety issues outside the home. More than just a fleeting thought. At Desert Sun Home Inspections in Carlsbad New Mexico, safety is upfront and foremost. When ever I'm inspecting a home. I like to see the entire property. Especially when there is electrical involved. I have posted before of the trip hazards and the liability issues homeowners face in everyday life. But when inspecting a home for a buyer there needs to be more attention placed on the exterior and the safety issues associated with the exterior of the home and the surrounding yard areas. Take for instance this light pole at the road/ mailbox area. It is located at the end of the walkway to the road. It is only about one foot away from the walkway. Having exposed wiring is not a good thing. Even if it's in a hard to get to ...