Electrical issues for a Home Inpsection in Carlsbad, New Mexico
By Clint Mckie, Desert Sun Home, Comm. Inspection 1-575-706-5586
(Desert Sun Home, commercial Inspections)
Electrical issues for a Home Inpsection in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Many homes that get inspected have the "I can do that factors". When the owners think they can do all kinds of so called repairs and never get it right. Many sellers have the thoughts of "it's close enough". But close enough for them but not for the buyers. This is why Desert Sun Home inspections in Carlsbad, New Mexico goes through so much training for the home inspection business. Just because "it works" do'es not mean it is right. This is where Desert Sun Home inspections comes in. Let's take a look at the electrical issues for this home. Here we have a double switch box above the Jacuzzi. This box was set and then the walls were added on when the remodel was being done. Problem is the box is set back over an inch insid...