
Manchester, NH Real Estate News

By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This mornings top question is: I offered full price on a short sale, will that mean it will get approved?Before making an offer on a short sale there are several things you need to know and consider. First a short sale is not guaranteed to ever get approved and can take 3-6 months on average to complete, so you need to have time and patience before making an offer. Second the most common killer of a short sale is price, you want to make sure that asking price was at or near current market value, some agents will cut the price in half to attract more buyers, the bank will have an appraisal completed and will only approve a short sale at or near market value, so if your price is to low, despite what the asking price was, it could be denied. The next problem is the type of mortgage you are...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
Todays question comes from a seller asking:  MY LISTING EXPIRED, NOW EVERYONE SAYS THEY CAN SELL MY HOME, WHERE WERE THEY WHEN MY HOUSE LISTED?Even though every agent in the MLS has access to your house through the MLS, they may not even know your home exists with the shear amount of homes in the MLS. Most agents get their potential buyers through their own marketing and advertising. The may not get a buyer looking for your type of home unless it was their listing and they were specifically marketing towards potential buyers looking for that kind of home.WHY A HOME MAY NOT SELL RIGHT AWAY There are many reasons why a home doesnt sell the first time around, the two most common are price and lack of attention or marketing. Price can easily be assessed through a broker price opinion that s...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
PRE FORECLOSURES ARE SIMPLY THAT, A HOUSE ENTERING INTO THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS...are they a deal?Well If you are looking to buy one, you need to know some things...One of the biggest myths in foreclosures is "getting a deal on a preforeclosure". Let me tell you why, most houses are not even for sale, most home owners owe more than the house is worth in todays market and unfortanately if in a preforeclsoure situation, there is not enough time for them to complete a short sale. One of the most important things when buying a home is to have a willing seller, with most preforeclsoures, the homeowners are being forced from their homes, they have tried everything to save their home to no avail or have all but given up. Knocking on the door of one of these homes with a home owner in this situ...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
On Monday Aug. 23, 2010 officials kicked off construction of a new chairlift that will serve skiers next winter on the other side of Cannon Mountain known as the former Mittersill Site which had been closed for 20 years.The State of NH traded part of the Sentinel Mountain State Forest in Piermont to the U.S. Forest Service, in exchange for the Mittersill property. Cannon has already removed the old chairlift and held ground breaking ceromonies on the new lift yesterday. Adding Mittersill to Cannon will only enhance one of the states great Ski Areas.Another reason why New Hampshire is a great place to live, visit and play.Updated Aug. 24, 2010Blog written by:Scott GodzykGodzyk Realty GroupManchester NH
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
Weekend events bring Manchester NH into the cultural spotlight this weekend of Aug 20-22, 2010GREEKFEST is being held Aug 21-22 at the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church off Island Pond Road in Manchester. Greek food is it's specialty and yes i already feasted on Lamb, Pita, Rice and multiple greek pastries. It should not be missed.MIDDLE EASTERN CULTURAL FESTIVAL is being held at Our Lady of the Cedars ChurchThe annual LATINO FESTIVAL IS TODAY (AUG 21) at Vetrand park in downtown Manchester.ENJOY WHAT MANCHESTER HAS TO OFFER...Blog Updated Aug. 21, 2010Blog Written by:Scott GodzykGodzyk Realty GroupManchester NH
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This mornings questions is: "Why do some banks take so long to get a property on the market after they foreclose?"When a bank buys the property back at the foreclosure auction, there are several steps it has to go through to get on the market. The first thing to know is virtually all banks do not sell their own properties. The use an asset management company to sell their properties. After the foreclosure, the home is given to this company to sell. The company assigns an asset manager for that area. That asset manager then assigns th listing to a broker who is on the approved list of brokers in that area.Brokers are ranked by past job performance and the amount of bpos's they have completed.The next step is checking occupancy, if it is occupied, eviction begins. Once it is vacant the pr...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This mornings question is: "Do i need an attorney for my closing? What if it is a cash closing, do i need an attorney if i am paying cash?"CASH PURCHASESEven as a cash transaction, you as the buyer have a right to have an attorney, title company or closing company represent you in the closing. If  you do not already have an attorney when writing your offer, adding the statement on the purchase agreement in the paragraph of where the closing is to take place  "closing to be at the buyers attorneys office",  will give you time to get one and protect your rights and interests.They will complete the title search to make sure the property is free of liens upon closing, they will review the sellers deed transfering the property to you to make sure it is acceptable and complete the closing, in...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
The "Hot Button" topic of the morning is a question; "Why are they cashing my deposit check when buying a short sale? Shouldn't they wait until it is approved?"The first thing everyone needs to remember is the purchase is between the buyer and the seller, so yes, you would put down a deposit as you would any other sale, because they owe more than their house is worth. The difference is there  should be a short sale addendum that tells you the sale is contingent upon the seller getting apporval from their bank to lower the amount of what they owe so the house can be sold at todays market value. Depositing the deposit check is what consumates the offer into an accepted offer and allows the deal to move forward.You want to make sure either the listing agent is well expereinced in negotiati...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This Morning's question is " i can not afford my monthly payments anymore, I give up... What can i do? Is there anyway to save my home? If i cant save it, can i avoid a foreclosure?Unfortanately these types of questions are on the increase, you should not feel bad for asking for help. You should explore ALL options before letting your property be foreclosed on. The first thing you should do is contact your bank, ask for the home retention department, let them know your situation and ask what they can do to help you save your property. The first thing you should ask for is a loan modification. This is where the bank can lower your interest rate down to 2% or so which will reduce your monthly payment. If they say you do not quailify for a loan modification or you do not have time for a lo...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This afternoons question is a common one i have been seeing. "There are several variations on what my house is worth, there is me assessed value,there is the Zestimate and other site with differnt values. Which one do i use and how do i know what the real value of my house is?The zestimate is just that, an estimate of value based on their secret calculations and recent sales.  The assessed value is what your assessor estimates your value to be, the problems are they could be up to 5 years old and sometimes are not bvased on 100% but can be as low as 75% of value or at 125% of vale.  You should not base your value, an offer or sale price on anything but true market value obtained by an appraisal or brokers price opinion. This will give you the true market value of your home in todays mar...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This mornings question comes form a potential new customer, they called this morning kind of interviewing me to come by and list their property. One of their questions was: "Will you put pictures of our house in the MLS and your ads? and How often do you update your pictures?"I thought it kind of a strange question as i thoght it was common sense, that of course i put pictures of your house in MLS and update the pictures as often as needed.The seller then told me they signed a 6 month listing with another agent and it took them over a month to put the picture in MLS and on their website. Then they said it switched from Spring to summer and the pictures with a dead lawn and no leaves on the trees remained for the rest of the listing.  I let them know this was unacceptable in my opinion, ...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
Todays question is "As a seller, do i "have to" pay the buyers closing costs?"As a seller you never "HAVE TO" do anything. However as a seller you need to know that you should do whatever you can control to bring the most amount of potentilal buyers to your house. there are so many variabls you can control, you do not want to alienate buyers from teh start. As a listing agent and as a seller the goal is to bring about the quickest sale at the most obtainable price. The first thing you need to do is get a brokers price opinion. you need to know what teh value of your property is in todays market. You need to price your house at or near market value. Make sure though you leave room to negotiate though. Virtually all offers will be lower than your asking price and yes some buyers may ask y...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
What is net-etiquette?Upon reading some recent threads , it is apparant that a review of some "net-iquette" is needed. (Netiquette is ettiquette when you are using and posting on the internet or in forums like this) The bottom line is if you could not say something to someone standing next to you then you should probabily hit the delete key when in online forums. if you are comfortable standing face to face with soemone and telling them what you just typed, then hit the enter key.It is appaling the name calling, attacking and words that are used in an online forum. (My Momma always said if you do not have something nice to say, then do not say anything.)There are proper and polite ways to tell people you disagree with them. there is a polite way to tell them their answer was borderline ...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
I received an interesting comment on one of my blogs recently that compelled me to write this blog. Someone recently wrote: Scott, Glad to see your practice allows you the time to be chatting away at this time of year. I will have to wait until things slow down a bit".....It got me thinking... 1. Am i wasting my time chatting away? 2. Do i even have any extra time?3. Am i even chatting? ME... "chatty"???  This has been the busiest Real Estate has been for me since 2005. Buyers are buying and houses are selling. time is valuable and i have to use it wisely... so what am i to do? Where am i going with this....Social Media has become part of my marketing plan. When i start my day at 7am after checking my emails, then checking to see if i have any REO assignments I then check my Social Medi...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
If you are looking to rent to own a home, here are some tips to get you started.The first step: Get Prequailified...It is a good idea as the first step, to get prequailified. Meet with a local and trusted bank or mortgage company. Stay away from internet lenders. You need to find out how long it will take you to get a mortgage so you know how long of a lease your need. As well as what you will need to do to be quailified by the time that lease is up. You can get prequailified at no cost at most trusted lenders.Then you need to know what price range you will be able to purchase in. you do not want to lease a home out of your price range as you may never be able to purchase it. Second step: Look at properties within your price range...You may not have the resources to find the properties ...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
One of the most common questions of late is: "I have been watching this house that got foreclosed on, i really want to buy it, how can i find out which bank owns it?The first thing you should know is that virtually all banks do not sell the properties themselves in which they have foreclosed on. The bank contracts with an asset management company who then contracts with local brokers who are approved in their network.When a property is purchased back by the bank at the foreclosure auction, the property is then assigned to that asset management company which then assigns the listing to an approved broker in that area. if the loan was insured by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, sometimes there is a delay in them taking over the property and getting it listed.If the listing is assigned, once the...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This Morning's question is; 'No one is looking at my house, What can i do?"Unfortanately in this market it is a common question. Without any lookers, the first thing you have to do is get a new brokers price opinion completed to see where your house is priced in teh market. If your house is priced above market value, with the increase in listings, your house my be priiced too high to attract buyers. You want your house priced at or below market value, most often no lookers comes from too high of an asking price. The second question to ask is anyone calling, where is the agent directing their marketing. Ask the agent why they think there is no lookers. If your price is at or below market value and no lookers why is this happening and try and solve it.WHAT SELLERS ARE FACING TODAY?As i wr...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This evenings question is "Should i pay a credit repairing agency to repair my credit?"The simple answer is there is no miracle cures and you can do everything you would pay someone to do. Simply pull your credit report from each of the 3 credit bureaus. you can go to to get your free credit report once a year. If you were turned down for credit, you also have the right to a free credit report. On each of the credit bureaus website there is a place where you can dispute credit reporting that is wrong. The creditor then has 30 days to respond or it may be removed. This is the best way to dispute incorrect credit reporting or fraud. i have seen some people dispute everything, whether it was theirs or not, then some creditors dont report and it gets cleaned up. D...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
Do you know who has access to your house or your listing? Well you should. A common scam is people calling agents saying they want to conduct a showing, inspection or appraisal and they are not even Realtors, Inspectors or Appraisers. This means you have a stranger in your property and who knows what they can or will steal.I have switched to setting up all showings through eshowings. If an agent calls me and i dont know them or recognize their voice, i simply ask them to log on or call eshowings and set it up through there where there is a record of who received the code. I have also switched all my lockbox codes up so they are not all the same. Whether you are listing reo properties, short sales or have tenants or the seller living there.  A little precaution can save you liability and...
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By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
This afternoons question is "How can i find out who owns a property and can i see what they have for mortgage amounts?"If you are looking to see what the home owner owes, you will need to know the owners name, if you do not know it, search the assessors data base in the town or city the property is in. From there you may be even able to get the book and page number to look up their deed. If the book and page is not on their tax card,  you will have to look it up at the registry of deeds or county court house by name. Some areas are now all online while some are still in the stone ages and you have to actually go there to search. There you will be able to research what is owed. Updated August 8, 2010Blog Written by:Scott GodzykGodzyk Realty Group
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Manchester, NH Real Estate Professionals