Mother nature plays a trick on the Northeast- A Halloween Blizzard
By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
Mother nature played a trick on us here in Manchester NH. With nearly 22 inches of snow in my back yard which fell in a mere 13 hours blanketing everything with a heavy cement like snow. The tree still have leaves them which which collected the snow like a giant sponge. The weight of the snow was too much and brought down branches trees and power poles. Early estimates were no power for at least a week. It had only snowed 4 times this early in 140 years of record keeping with this shattering the old record of 3 inches in the last 140 years. So No treats for now, just a dirty trick...It does not take magic to turn your "For Sale" sign into a "Sold" sign. it takes a full time Local Agent who specializes in Listing homes like yours. If you need to sell a home in New Hampshire I can be that...