
Contoocook, NH Real Estate News

By Joan Mirantz, Realtor, GRI, CBR, SRES - Concord New Hampshire
(Homequest Real Estate)
                                 Concord Area NH Realtor                            
Comments 22
By Joan Mirantz, Realtor, GRI, CBR, SRES - Concord New Hampshire
(Homequest Real Estate)
Our first Membership Meeting for the Riverside Meadows Co-Operative was mainly an informational one! We accepted the voted on the name (Riverside Meadows). Following brief discussion, Membership Applications were passed out. Each family is entitled to one Membership and that Membership entitles them to one vote on Co-Operative matters. The Membership fee is $25/household. This becomes the "working capital" for the Board of Directors for initial expenses (postage, fees,filing charges etc.) Out of a potential 70 households....we have an initial signing of 48..... Off to a great start!   We were charged with the task (for that evening) of discussing, adjusting to our needs and adopting a set of by-laws. We will eventually be writing our own but for now just adjusted the existing ones provi...
Comments 10
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