How Do YOU Present Your Business? What is the Public Perception?
By Mike McCann Nebraska Land Broker, Farm & Commercial Property For Sale 308-627-3700
(Mike McCann - Broker, Mach1 Realty Farm & Commercial Land Broker-Auctioneer Serving Nebraska)
This Lawn Care Car photo is either one of the craziest Marketing Ideas or Worst...not sure which is which!My son moved in to an Apartment complex in Lincoln, NE last week. Started a new software developer job last Wednesday.As we were pulling out to go to the hardware store...I saw this Lawn Care Company Car. At first I laughed...the high and mighty in me thinking "what a fool" to do this. My wife, Robyn, remarked: "Well he is obviously pretty strong if he is lifting the mower up there after mowing a yard. Maybe he does a great job."Then the practical me know what...this guy probably makes great money...has little overhead...gets the message across...and is not worried about anyone stealing his equipment. GENIUS!! And a workout too boot!!Anyway...if you are ever in Lin...