From Plymouth Rock to Standing Rock ~ Happy Thanksgiving
By Carla Muss-Jacobs, RETIRED
(RETIRED / State License is Inactive)
The land on the Sioux Nation at Standing Rock has been targeted. Hunkpapa Lakota and Yanktonai Dakota Native American reservations in North Dakota and South Dakota.Keep in mind kids, Thanksgiving is about when the First Nation of Wampanoag, and Chief Massasoit who helped the folks who were known as "Pilgrims." The majority of Pilgrims left England in search of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, they were tired of being under the Catholic Church and the Church of England. Puritans and Quakers, for the most part, left for their "new world." There were inhabitants here already. The United States is the first country to establish a National Holiday to GIVE THANKS.I give thanks for that. Veterans Today has published this article US Veterans Stand With Standing Rock Call To ActionThis is their Facebook...