
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
We have all heard the expression that "those that know how, do it, and those who don't teach it". My life experience has been far from that. The great majority of teachers I've been under the tutelage of were excellent achievers in the field they taught about.Today, March 5th, and for the next month the Art instructors at Minot State University proudly present Faculty X, an exhibit of their own skills to the public.Bill Harbort, Chair of the MSU Art Department tells us his history, his passion, and about his work on display at Faculty X. Bill Harbort is a professor in the art department at Minot State University. Bill teaches foundation art, graphic design and illustration courses. He is a co-founder and co-organizer of NOTSTOCK, MSU’s signature live arts event that spotlights the arts ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
MARCO is short for Minot Area Recovery Community and they are here to help you and your loved ones start the healing from drug addiction.  Meet Andrew Schultz, Executive Director of MARCO and listen in to find out how you can help yourself or a loved one get on the path of recovery. Andrew Schultz is a Criminal Defense Attorney and Owner of the firm of Worthington & Schultz, P.C.. You can learn more about his law practice here. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 6
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
What a combination of interests, Big Game Hunting and Real Estate. The man who combines these interests (in the Minot ND area) is Wayne Tuttle. The two actually go together well as every Realtor knows the thrill of House Hunting and helping the client pull the trigger.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 4
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The search for a Director for the Taube Museum Of Art came to an end a few months ago when Rachel Alfaro took the reins. I'm so glad that Rachel found time to visit with me this morning, just in time to get the Minot Today radio broadcast on the air over KHRT 1320 AM and 106.9 FM out of Minot North Dakota. Rachel fills us in on upcoming events at the Taube. It's a jam packed schedule but I want to point out their biggest fundraiser of the year... SOUP IT UP! Check it out on their website or on their FaceBook page. Next year I'm bringing my famous (only in my own mind) chile.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I've written several posts about my son Timmothy and his comic strip books that he has written and illustrated but I've never really shown you his true artistic abilities (except the videos I've posted of his skill as a pianist). Let's start with my favorite. I call it Mexican Timmothy, he calls it self portrait.I absolutely LOVE this self portrait. It always makes me smile and often laugh out loud.This next picture is a wall of art I keep by my desk at home. Quite a variety but it doesn't cover all the styles he's learned in High School.Last of all I thought I'd throw in this watercolor. I'm not sure what it's called but it reminds me of my dance moves 40 years ago.The reason I'm reviewing Timmothy's art is because he and I just applied for a station at Minot's 62 Doors Art Gallery. It...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Scott Burlingame is true leader in Minot's nonprofit community. Scott has served on numerous boards, coalitions, and is currently Vice President of The Minot Nonprofit Alliance. All this while executing flawlessly his real job as Executive Director of Independence Inc (a nonprofit that helps those with health issues). Scott is truly a man with a heart to help others and now he would like to help the entire City of Minot using his skills and compassion as a member of Minot's City Council. Knowing the amazing things Scott has done with tight budgets he gets my vote. Listen in as Scott talks about the nonprofit community as well as his desire to serve as a Minot Councilman. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
On Saturday February 1st Grace Lutheran will add a new ministry to the church, Mornings With Mommy. Mornings With Mommy is NOT a preschool and it is NOT childcare.Mornings With Mommy IS a fun and easy way for you to enjoy activities with your kids and meet other parents.For more information please see the Grace Lutheran Church website.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
In today's interview, 01/25/2020, Mayor Shaun Sipma and I visit about the upcoming State of the City address (Thursday February 7th) in the Arvel Graving Theater on the Magic City Campus (Minot High).   We also spend a bit of time discussing the new FEMA flood maps coming out in June and what those maps mean to those who live in the flood plain. If you live in Minot you do not want to miss the State of the City address and if you live in the flood plain you really do not want to miss this conversation with Mayor Shaun Sipma. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The cold has it's own kind of beauty. Something as simple as a fresh blanket of snow that sparkles like diamonds when sun or moon light shine upon it. Maybe an elaborate piece of art by Jack Frost as I pictured before. If it were not for the cold we would not have the Northern Lights (as pictured in the banner above).Today offered two sights you only see under extreme cold conditions. The first picture below is what I saw when I exited the house this morning. For this phenomenon to happen you need sub-zero temps, absolute calm, and micro ice particles in the air. When this happens every light, great or small, sends a beam straight up into the heavens. It's amazingly beautiful.This next picture also requires the same dynamics except it does NOT require complete calm. This is what is comm...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Emmanuel Toquee is another friend I've meet through ToastMasters. (ToastMasters 636 Minot ND). Emmanuel is originally from Monrovia Libera. He is now a citizen of the USA and has lived in Minot ND for over 9 years. Emmanuel is a motivational Speaker and an author. His book, I Change My Mind" is available in print form or electronic download through Amazon. Emmanuel also has over 50 uploads to YouTube that you can enjoy. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I met Nate a couple of months ago after grilling him about his faith. I liked his answers so I visited his place of work and found that I fit in perfectly (although I'm the oldest man there). I'm talking about Reverend Nathan Walters, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Synod.  Listen in. I hope your biggest take-away from this is that the term "conservative" Christian does not have a political connotation nor does it mean we are holly-roller Bible thumpers looking for people to hit over the head with a Bible. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I may have preached on this before but a conversation I had minutes ago got my blood a pumping again on this subject.Regretfully, 12/30/19 was the last day of business for our one and only Christian bookstore, Gideon's Trumpet.Gideon's Trumpet is truly a casualty of on line shopping.I get that. I do my share of shopping on line. I love eBay.I saw the lights on this morning so I went over to ask Kay, the owner, how the final sale went. Kay said it went very well BUT she was surprised at the incredible amount of shoplifting that went on during the sale. WOW! Who goes into a Christian bookstore to steal? I hate to suggest it would be Christians but who else goes into a Christian bookstore!When I've railed on this topic in the past it was over the visable evidence of theft at church rummage...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I am thankful that Dr. Steven Shirley has been a regular guest on Minot Today. His visits are always fun and informative. I am the parent of a child who is graduating from Minot High School this year so I was eager to ask a few more questions about Minot State Universities offerings. I hope you enjoy our visit as much as I did. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It's after Thanksgiving, now it's okay to snow. Snowfalls before Thanksgiving are just plain RUDE! That being said we have had several already this Fall and Halloween usually carries about a 50/50 chance of snow in any year in North Dakota. Those early snowfalls rarely stick around but one like today's will most likely be on the ground until April. I can't say I'm every happy to see the snow/winter come even though I've lived up North all my life BUT I have learned to accept it. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Chad Vogel is not a new name in mortgage lending in Minot ND, he's been one of the best for 17 years. He recently broke away from one of Minot's most well known banks in order to offer his clients more competitive rates and a more varied selection of lending tools. With interest rates as low as 3.65% today there is little doubt that Chad and PRMI can save you a bundle of money. Call Chad today at 701-721-5889 or stop by his office located just a block West of the Broadway and Burdick intersection. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Today was that day.Every year I volunteer for a 3 hour shift to sell hot dogs to help support The Horn Of Plenty sponsored by KHRT radio.You can read about The Horn Of Plenty below, it's a great community program.The dominant grocery store in town, Market Place Foods, not only allows us to set up in all four of their stores they even donate all the food so every sale goes 100% to the program.Timmothy has helped me out in the past but I think this is the first time there have been three of us working an entire shift. The three hours go pretty quick with three of you there and it was a busy Saturday as well making it go even a bit faster. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Michael Ward covers some basic when and why to "Lawyer Up". Michael Ward, Attorney At Law, is one of the most experienced (and one of the sharpest) legal minds in the State of North Dakota. I'm proud to call Michael my friend and it is my good fortune that I have the opportunity to visit Mike nearly every day. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 13
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
On Friday Morning 11/08/2019 Tina N. Timm became Airman First Class Timm, Tina N.Everyone knows what a proud father I am of both my kids and Friday was just one of the many choked up moments I've had over the years for Tina and Timmothy Timm. Tina graduated in the top 10% of 800 at Basic Training, earning her the rank of Airman First Class. She would have received that rank anyway due to her 4 years of Jr AF ROTC but she is more proud of achieving it this way with having a 98% in physical Training and a 95% in the educational testing.I can tell you it wasn't easy, I've never seen my daughter so stressed and unsure of herself. It made dad cry a lot of tears in the last 8-1/2 weeks.Instead of one long post about my trip I'm going to post this about Tina and a separate post about the trip....
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Do members of a Toastmasters club sit around, drink champagne, and make toasts? NO! However when I first heard of Toastmasters 35 years ago that is what I envisioned. It was not until I attended my 1st meet this year that I found out what really goes on at those Toastmaster meetings. I hope you will listen in and learn to today's Radio Broadcast and/or podcast and see if Toastmasters maybe something that interests you.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It's my own darn fault but I'm still mad at the Surgeon and her staff.Surgery was supposed to be Friday but now I've got to wait an additional week because lost in the multi-page directions of "prior to surgery" was a note that I should not take one of many meds for a week prior to the surgery.Wonderful! Three days isn't enough time so now I get to go an extra 10 days in pain that makes me absolutely miserable. Now I have less time to heal before I fly to TX to see my daughter graduate from basic training.I try to stay positive about our one and only hospital in town but I'm anything BUT positive about them right now. I told them I'd sign a waver that if I bleed to death it's my own fault but they won't do that either. Oh well, my next surgery will NOT be in this hospital as I will be j...
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