
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Time for a Change My last over the air broadcast! From Broadcast to Podcast. I've decided that the riggers of a broadcast is more then I care to handle these days. It's been a fun run for the last six years but I'm tired of it so it's time to move on to many other things as I describe here in my final over the air radio broadcast.I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The State of North Dakota Game and Fish Department operate two small pounds on the ND State Fair site. These little pounds are well stocked with fish each year and are open for catch and release as long as the ponds are not frozen. Sorry, no ice fishing on these little ponds. It's fun to see families with small children come and use the site. I don't know for sure but I believe that even though it is catch and release you still need to have a fishing license to fish in these ponds. How cool is it to have this available right inside the city.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Yesterday the temps were close to normal for our area after several days of much colder then normal temperatures. It made taking a walk a pleasure. In North Dakota you need to take advantage of such days as we never know when SNOW might enter the forecast.This garden just in front of the Roosevelt Park Zoo enterence was teaming with butterflies. Of course when I get the camera out they all go into hiding but I did catch one that wasn't shy.I also enjoyed seeing this scrony little bush with beautiful peal like berries on it.I enjoy looking for photo opportunities like these. I hope you don't mind.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Yesterday KXMC-TV came to the Titus & Philemon Art Gallery to interview Timmothy for their evening news cast. It was GREAT! They interviewed Timmothy and myself and ran it at 5PM, 6PM, and 10PM. The young woman who conducted the interview was absolutly wonderful! The first time the anchor read the story they made a slight error saying that Timmothy had been writing the strip since he was 3 but the same anchor corrected it the next news cast and reported that he had been writing the comic strip since he was 11.My hats off to the entire KXMC News team for doing such a great job on a local public interest story.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Josh Hummel and his father Don have been dealing in coins for many years but now they have an actual store front in Minot and It's called Minot Coin and Bullion. The Grand Opening was held August 21st. Listen in to find out more. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
A strong market presence often includes many different ways to get your name out in the public eye. My hats off to all the Mom and Pop businesses that find ingenues ways to get their business name noticed.Such an example of shear genies is right next door to my and my sons shop.I had already cropped this picture before I thought about posting about it but I hope you get the idea. Behind Carol is a great window sign for Oliver's Attic, a boutique shop for the ladies. By putting a photo opportunity in front of the window everyone who takes a picture gets the sign in their photo. The brightly painted bike grabs attention all on it's own but how brilliant of the owner to invite people (yes there is actually a sign encouraging you to have your picture taken here) to have their picture taken ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Mayor Sipma and I have this 15 minute interview thing down to a tea. Today we visit about the new City "One Brand", Blu on Broadway, and of course... a word about covid19. Please listen in to our light and lively banter for today's show.  Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The Titus & Philemon Art Gallery and Studio The Titus & Philemon Art Gallery and Studio is now open to the public. Cartoonist, Artist, Illustrator and published Author Timmothy Timm is my guest today on Minot Today. Give the interview a listen BUT more importantly come and see the Gallery and Studio at 201 Main Street South in Minot ND today. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Over the last month I made a HUGE move... from the back of the building to the front. This was huge for several reasons, mostly because it more than tripled my rent. Even my landlord thought I was nuts for making the move. So why did I do it?My son Timmothy graduated from High School this spring and is bound for the Minot State University Arts program. In stead of having him take a minimum wage job for the summer so he could earn a few pennies I wanted to give him a head start in the career field he hopes to make his living in. Moving out of my little office in the back of the building up to the front office with street exposure seemed to be a no brainer... except for the expense.Here is the results of the move so far in pictorial form. We plan on opening the gallery June 15th to the pu...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I'm a bit slow in getting this post up but there was no way I was going to let this achievement go by without the proper accolades to Timmothy Timm. Timmothy is an amazing young man who despite being autistic archived a 4.0 grade average, has written and illustrated two books (currently in circulation), and is an excellent musician.Making me even prouder is that Timmothy is very respectful, extremely helpful, and is even becoming involved in the leadership activities of our faith.Congratulations once again to Timmothy for graduating at the top of his class of 500 and for his acceptance into Minot State University Arts Program this coming Fall. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Seeing pictures of farmers markets opening up all around the USA I'm getting eager for the Minot Farmers Market to get going. Today's visit is with Brian Byrne (pronounced burn)a vendor at Minot Farmers Market. Brian shares with us what he brings to the market and when we can expect to see the market, held in Oak Park, open for business. I apologise that this interview has an abrupt ending as I just plain old ran out of recording time. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Minot's Chief of Police says let's "Stop the Death" from drug overdoses. There has been a rise in overdose deaths in our area and we need to take action now! In this 15 minute radio interview we cover a variety of subjects but none more important then the Chiefs plea to help save lives. I learned a lot, hope you do as well. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Today' radio interview for Minot Today was with Blake Krebseth, Broker/Owner at Watne Realtors in Minot.Blake Krebseth, Broker/Owner of Watne Realtors in Minot ND gives us the beat on Minot Real Estate market during this current health crises. Watne Realtors holds brokers license #4 in the State of North Dakota and licenses 1 - 3 are long gone. Blake tells us about a procedure they are using at Watne during this crises that I had not heard of any other Realtors using to protect Buyers and Sellers alike. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic. My Pod-O-Matic podcast https://realminot.podomati...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I always look forward to the time of year that Tractor Supply, a regional chain of hardware and farm supply stores, comes out with their "chicks" days. They often include some other babies too like bunnys.Lucky me! I stopped in out of boredom today and it just happen to be the 1st day of "chick days". Here is the fun for you to enjoy as well.1st were the BantamsNext were the  Golden Comet & Astralorpand last of all the Leghorn Chicks I wish I could have purchased a few but Minot doesn't allow back yard livestock yet.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
DON'T Hold the Presses!It was just announced that the two largest newspapers in North Dakota are going to cut back on the number of days they issue a printed publication. Gone are Monday and Friday's additions due to lack of revenue caused by advertisers withdrawing during the Corona virus pandemic.I love the newspaper, it has been part of my life since I was about 10 years old and delivered "The Midweek" (an advertising rag in Fargo/Moorhead) and Grit Newspaper. The Minot Daily news is not joining in on this cutback... yet. However we did recently lose our Sunday edition (not related to the virus).If you are a local I hope you will support The Minot Daily News and encourage them to keep the presses rolling.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I miss church more than anything in this crazy time we are going through. Not because I'm a Saint, just the opposite, I need it to keep me sane and not think about doing bad or naughty things. With the current regulations our churches men's Bible study group can still meet as we are less then 10 at any one meeting (and that even includes the two who join via skype).Our Pastor is still at the church every day and meeting individual needs.One of the services he offers is Holy Communion for families or individuals that ask.Yesterday we asked. It was really nice to go to church again, together as a family, and celebrate Holy Communion. Pastor has a short service and even offers to lead us Capella in a hymn if we/you ask.If you would like to share in on our little service here it is:  
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Why Not Minot is a saying that's original intent was to guide people as to how to pronounce the name of our fair City. The number of ways people come up with to mispronounce those five letters that spell our name is amazing. No, we don't live in Minoooow.Let me be up front, most residents didn't set out to move here from distant lands because it was their hearts desire to do so.Over the years thousands have moved here because the United States Air Force gave them orders to do so. Over the past decade thousands moved here because of the booming economy brought on by oil exploration and extraction. And of course many moved here because the person they love lives here.Much of Minot's population came here kicking and screaming because they were assigned to live here, not by their own choice...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Just this afternoon Shaun Sipma, the Mayor of Minot ND, joined me in a conversation of what's new on the Covid 19 situation in Minot. I am so thankful that the Mayor made time for me just minutes after I called him and asked if he wanted to go on air about this situation. The Mayor had a lot to say and a lot was shocking. #1 to me is that the Norsk Hostfest is cancelled this year. The Norsk Hostfest is an international celebration that brings millions of dollars into our community. My biggest personal concern is "will Minot have a graduation ceremony this year?". This interview makes the cut as Breaking News and the radio stations that normally play it on Friday decided to play it immeadiately as a news piece as well as on Friday.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Jason and Cassidy Skjervem (pronounced Sure-vom) are the Area Directors of CRU and CRU is the force that is bringing Russ Taft to Minot for a concert Monday May 11th.CRU is an interdenominational Christian parachurch organization for college and university students. It was founded in 1951 at the University of California, Los Angeles by Bill Bright and Vonette Zachary Bright. Since then, Cru has expanded its focus to include adult professionals, athletes, and high school students. Founded: 1951 Headquarters: Orlando, FL Formerly called: Campus Crusade for Christ International President: Steve Douglass Founders: Bill Bright, Vonette Bright Type of business: Nonprofit organization.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Even though it was no surprise I did not expect the following letter in yesterdays mail. Forgive me for yet another proud Dad moment but I can not let this achievement pass by without the recognition Timmothy deserves from his hard work.I remember attending this wonderful event two years ago when our daughter, Tina, also received this honor. What was most impressive to me was that out of 10 High School Senior Classes the number of students honored fit into one moderately sized conference room.Timmothy is an amazing young man and I am so lucky to be his father. There is a "Rest Of The Story" here and I will share it shortly but I want the focus of this post to be Timmothy's outstanding achievement.
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