
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Two weeks ago I blogged that we had set an all time snowfall record for a year, EVER! Well it just keeps coming. I had really hoped to post several blogs about our community over the Holidays but frankly I've been doing a lot of bonding with my snow thrower. As you can see from the pictures above I've got plenty to do in my yard.. BUT what you don't see is that I also run over to my mother-in-laws and do hers and then I have a listing (or two) by elderly clients that I head over to and do theirs as well. In the summer I often mow the lawns (also at no charge) for my elderly clients). The snow has been so heavy and frequent that yesterday the Minot Super Walmart closed (and still is) until they clear the roof of snow. Many business here are in fear of failing roofs as the weight of 5 fe...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Incoming Air Force personel, oil workers traveling to North Dakota, please NOTE: This is officially the snowiest winter EVER in much of ND including Minot ND. Again, keep in mind EVER!!! So when your friends and relatives tell you how bad it is just keep in mind this is beyond unusual. I don't know about the official temperature stats for this month but it's got to be close on the lows as well. It's going to get better, this just happens to be a new benchmark on the low end so chin-up and look forward to meeting the warmest people in the USA right here in Minot ND. So how do you shovel so much snow? Hardware stores are reporting record sales on snow-blowers and shovels. Excavating companies had a banner building season and now this has just been an added bonus. While a boon to the cons...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
In my previous post I mentioned that in our recent blizzard we had a very nasty wind chill. I had to make a correction to that post as I reported that we had a temperature of about -20 (that's 20 degrees below zero) but with a 40 mile an hour wind it was like 40 below... WRONG, as you will see from the chart below it was more like 75 degrees below zero. If the chart is to hard to read click this url If you are moving here from a climate that wind chill is foreign to you please check into it. Wind chill is a deadly threat and you owe it to your loved ones to know about it if you are moving to this climate.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
12/14/2008 We are experiencing our first "real" blizzard of the season. In fact this is the first blizzard I remember for awhile. It's not the snowiest storm I remember, in fact it was a bit wimpy when it comes to depth of snowfall. It has been one of the windiest winter storms but most important it is very likely the coldest storm I remember. Cold and windy make a very nasty mix. I was out a couple of times to shovel (use the snow-blower) but I didn't really "experience" the cold until I took my gloves off to take pictures. I snapped 2 and my hand was truly frozen. That never happens to me. I went back out with a good pair of gloves and here is the results. Keep in mind you can not "see" cold, which is what this blizzard was all about but you still might perceive the cold from these pi...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
AIR FORCE & OIL FIELD WORKERS BEWARE!Homes for sale under $100,000.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 4Homes for sale between $100,000.00 and $124,999.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 17Homes for sale between $125,000.00 and $149,999.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 12Homes for sale between $150,000.00 and $174,999.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 10Homes for sale between $175,000.00 and $199,999.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 14Homes for sale between $200,000.00 and $249,999.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 16Homes for sale over $250,000.00 as of 12/08/2008 = 30 OBVIOUSLY WE ARE EXPERIENCING A HUGE HOUSING SHORTAGE!If you are thinking, "Well I will just rent" guess again. Never in Minot's history have we had 100% occupency, UNTIL NOW. Of course a couple of rentals are bound to come up here and there but remember this:1) 1,000+ troops and their famili...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I've been on a rant for 9 months now that if you are taking part in the economic downturn there is no reason to. For 9 months I've been preaching that we need employees for absolutely everything, except maybe Realtors ;) in Western North Dakota. If you are a family man about to loose your home wouldn't it be worth leaving the family for 9 months to or so to save the family home and your pride? On average oil workers out here are earning $70,000.00 a year. These are starting level ruff-neck jobs. If that is to tough to handle then keep in mind we have openings in every field imaginable. For more information on the oil field check out . We are also very short of carpenters. Keep in mind, we are in a BOOM! We have a huge shortage of homes and the contractors have no ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I have been in contact with my favorite plumber just a little to often lately but this last time I have no doubt will save me money and be good for my "Go Green" image as well. Larry had recently replaced a furnace and water heater in a rental of mine. As I was pointing out the work that needed to be done it made me think of a long ignored problem in my own home.  It was bugging me that every morining when I would take a shower it seemed like just as much water came out of the spout as did the shower head. I told Larry that if I tried to stop the water at the spout but then it shot out of the packing around the faucett. He checked it, confirmed I was correct, fixed the packing around the faucett, and replaced the spout. I am amazed at the differance! Now I use half the water, have the s...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Their Here! Millions and millions of snowflakes that is. It's our first snow storm of this winter season and it certainly is a mess. I'm making this post in an effort to help all the NEW folks in Minot due to our Air Force Base as well as all the Texans up here working on our oil boom. Watching traffic here would be comical if it was not for the fact people are getting hurt and their automobiles are sustaining a lot of damage. Here are some pointers for you:   1) If you are not scared to drive on snow you should be. If you have never driven on snow and you are not afraid then you are an idiot. Even the most experienced drivers in this area respect the snow and we all know that when that first big one comes it's a new learning experience all over again. 2) Minot ND is located in a river ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Oak Park Realty, Minot North Dakota's First and Only Green Realtor. Why: You know how you get set in your ways but then all of a sudden the light bulb comes on and you have a totally different view of something. Well this is what happened to me. In the past I felt the entire go green idea was a load of, well you know, fertilizer. There are still aspects of going green or terms that are used that make me cringe like "Save the Earth/Planet". Only Jesus can/will save the Planet but WE can be good stewards of what God gave us.  What: What really turned me on is that I can do things in my own home that are not only Green but safer and healthier for my young children and myself. Why have harsh chemical cleaners in the home that could hurt or even kill a child when safe alternatives are availa...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot North Dakota holds an annual open house called "Boo at the Zoo" and it starts this Friday (October 24th).   Kids day is Saturday and I strongly suggest it for younger kids. On kids day they leave the lights on so it's not so scary. My kids went when they were 6 and 5 and they were so scared they were crying and we had to back out (this was with the lights on). Also when you come be sure to bring your patience as there is usually an incredible line. The scary version is October 24, 25, 29, 30 and the 31st. For more information go to . Hope to see you there! Bob Timm, Minot ND
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
This has been a beautiful evening with a full harvest moon. Up here in North Dakota the leaves have been falling and we have had a couple of frosty nights. Tonight my bride and I raked leaves with the help of our little ones (Tina 8 & Timmothy 7). It was nice to get the most out of our short evenings as the sun is now down by 7PM. Timmothy wasn't a lot of help tonight as early on he stepped in some dog do-do and then whined about it for half an hour. Burning leaves in our Fire Department approved fire pit is one thing I look forward to every fall, just love the smell. I mention the Fire Department approved fire pit because one of my neighbors who obviously doesn't care for the smell always calls the Fire Department every time I light it. I actually look forward to greeting my Fire Depar...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Yes it gets cold up here but for heavens sake it's not cold year around. I'm sure no matter where you live you get some pretty crazy questions. Most often I'm asked if it ever warms up in North Dakota. The answer is of course, YES! Our springs are a little slow to come around, like late April to early May. My birthday is in mid May and it is highly unusual for things NOT to be budding and turning green. One big plus with our late spring is we hardly ever see any misquetoes until late June or July. As of today we have not seen a frost yet but it will be coming soon. That however does not mean the end of nice days. Although the temp dipped into the 30's this morning it regained nicely to about 80. Here are a couple of pictures of the kids enjoying the "Splash Pad" at Oak Park this weekend.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Every website, every blog, and every agent out there is going to tell you how wonderful they are and ask you to "consider" them. I want you to "consider" this: If you want to list a house make sure you have made up your mind as to if you want to sell or if you want to stay. If you are looking for a home make sure you have made the decision to buy. I know my time is valuable and so is the time of my clients. If you want to sell your house and you want to list it with me then it will be priced properly or you can list with a liar who will inflate the price and your hopes and you will stay. If you are just looking at houses and not serious about buying then call another Realtor, I don't want you! I'd rather spend my time with real buyers, my family, my Church family, or about anywhere tha...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
This weekend I had the good fortune to meet the beautiful and gracious Alayne Okland, Executive Director of The 2nd Story Club. I met Alayne like I've met a whole lot of people, at a rummage sale. I almost passed up this rummage sale because it was a downtown address in the heart of the business section of Minot ND. I'm sure glad I didn't. The rummage sale was being held by The 2nd Story Club of Minot which is a social club for adults with developmental disabilities. I like that their literature says "For Exceptional Persons", I certainly could feel that as I was there. The club was started 33 years ago and they receive NO State or Federal funding. Alayne and her assistant run the show with a lot of wonderful volunteers. The facility includes a reception area, TV room (see the picture b...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
This post is for ALL Realtors as well as folks moving to Minot North Dakota. A lot of people, myself included, like to hunt for bargains so as community promoters (Realtors) we should be able to tell clients where the bargain shops are. I work with a lot of young families due to the Minot Air Force Base and these kids can use all the help they can get. I also work with some very affluent people and they often ask where they can donate items that they have updated or items they just don't use. Everybody can use a Thrift Store for one reason or another. I found a neat site that can inform you of Thrift Stores in your area. It's called It's not perfect, It missed three in Minot ND but it's a start. In Minot North Dakota the thrift shops are: 1) The Restore 112 2nd Ave SW...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Things have been so crazy busy here in Minot I have not been able to keep up with my goal of sharing one great thing about Minot North Dakota every day. Therefore I will share a few thing today just to get caught up. Speaking of "GREAT", last Thursday was the 20th Annual "The Great Tomato Festival". Picture courtesy of KXMC-TV News in Minot   The Great Tomato Festival is a wonderful event that is put on by three different groups in town, The Minot Public Library, The Western Plains Opera, and The Taube Museum Of Art (pronounced Taw-bee). Each year the thee groups and many volunteers get together and put on this event. Although they all work together all the proceeds benefit one of the groups for that year and then it rotates each year. This year it was the Minot Public Library and they ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I feel Roosevelt Park is Minot's most under acknowledged park and one of the least heralded attractions. This is a GREAT Park with something for the whole family. A part of the Park is the Roosevelt Park Zoo which I have acknowledged in an earlier post so this post will concentrate on the Park itself. Please enjoy, all 30 some pictures were taken on August 9th 2008. Park Entrance at Burdick Expressway and 13th Street SE Soo Line Locomotive This gazebo gets a lot of use for weddings. Just beyond the gazebo. ND Medal Of Honor Memorial. South Entrance. Behind the gazebo. The Ten Commandments. Not believed to be the originals. Hey did you see that Mel Brooks film, History of the World part One? I loved that bit with Moses and the fifteen err ahh Ten Commandments. Beautiful HUGE Bronze statu...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
One thing well worth blogging about within Minot North Dakota is an event called The Norsk Hostfest. The Scandinavion heritage of this area is emphesised through out the Minot community but this event in particular brings us visiters from all around the World. This event is much like the State Fair in the manor that it hosts many top billing stars over the 10 day period of celebration. Also it is held on the North Dakota State Fair Grounds. The only thing missing is the carnavil rides. However the carnavil atmosphere is present as venders bring, make, and sell their items of Scandinavion interest. This is an event for the entire family with activities running all day long and well into the night.Just how BIG is the Nork Hostfest? Royalty of Norway attend it. Not only is every hotel/mote...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
If you want to work then you need to head move UP to Minot North Dakota. We are way short of employees for every occupation (except Real Estate professionals) in Minot so if you have clients that are looking for good paying jobs please tell them that we need them up here in Minot.Here is the senario: The largest oil field in history has just been discovered in ND and Minot is in the middle of it. Plus Congress just approved The Minot Air Force Base to receive a new squadren of B-52's which means another 1,000 troops will be brought it to man/equip the squadren. Plus two of the largest employers in Minot have announced they will be making large increases in staff. Plus several retailers have announced they will be building stores in Minot (ie Home Depot). Plus it is projected that our po...
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